Chapter 31

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"Hello boss...


I can feel my face drain all the color and I can tell by the sympathetic look Rose is giving me that I look just as terrified on the outside as I so inside.

"Yes boss I am bringing her home right now to see you."  He says then silence.

"Yes I will," He pauses. "Yeah okay boss see you soon." He says before hanging up the phone and giving me the most sympathetic look I have ever seen him give someone and sadly I get to be that person.

"You have to return to the warehouse and meet with Ben so you guys can discuss everything for the wedding and for your and his futures as boss put it." Jacob says with a sad tone in his voice.

"O-okay." I stutter.

Jacob quickly grabs my hand and leads me out of the mall and to the car before all four of us get in to the car then drive back to the warehouse in complete silence.

Once we finally get to the warehouse we all get out and Jacob leads me to Ben while holding on to my wrist so i could not try to run away. I know i would love to try to run but i don't want the guys getting hurt because of me being stupid, I know i have to do this. I think to myself as I enter Ben's office for the first time sense i was thirteen. 

After i sit down in the chair Jacob quickly leaves the room then Ben turns around in his chair behind his desk so he is now facing me.

"Hello Alex it is so nice to finally see you after what has it been four years almost." Benn questions and i just shake my head.

I am at a complete loss for word i thought i would be fone doing this but i guess i'm not because right now i am mentally frozen i can't even verbally respond to Ben and i know i need to be able to respond properly because this conversation might just  pick my future for me.

"So i understand you came back to me to marry me." Ban gives me a sick smile.

"I only came back because you threatened to urt my friends." I spit at him.

"Oh that is ashame, I really thought that you had finally realized you and me belong together." Ben sighs.

"Well we don't." I glare at the sorry excuse of a human being infront of me.

"I wouldn't be so sure because you are here right now am i wrong?" He questions with fake concern in his voice.

"I might be here but it does not mean i want to be here right now." I spit out in anger.

"Well get over yourself we belong together and we will be together forever as soon as we get married." He gives me a sick smile.

"So sense we are not married right now are we not going to be together forever?" I smirk using his word against him.

"No i did not mean it that way. I ment we are going to be together forever." He says rubbing his hand over his face.

"Well whatever." I say to him as a stand up to walk away.

"if you walk away from me right now you know you will get in trouble because my number one rule is don't walk away from me." He smirks at me.

"Well rules are ment to be broken." I say to him as i walk out of the room and run up to my room to think.

When i get back to my room Rose is there and as soon as she notices me she stands up and hugs me.

"How did things go." She says in almost a whisper.

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