Chapter 1 - Royalty

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Olivia Camery

"Good morning Your Highness , would you like some tea or a coffee?" My server asked

"Tea please , Thankyou" I said and she poured a hot tea into my glass

"Good morning children" My father walked into the dining room and sat on his chair

"Good morning father" We all answered

My father is a King of United Kingdom , Damien Camery. He already ruled the UK for almost 20 years and in 2 years he will give the throne to my oldest brother Darren Camery. I'm the youngest child in the royal family so it makes me a Princess

To be honest , I don't like being in a royal family. They're too strict and so royalty. I grew up wanting an ordinary life outside the castle. I knew I'm rich , my family has their authority to make this and that and the fact that I'm a princess making everyone bow to me

I hate that so much

"Olivia" My father called me

"Yes father?" I asked turning my head to him

"We're going to Dubai tomorrow to meet Jeremy Walton for the arrange marriage. Have you done packing your stuff?" He asked and I smiled

"Yes father"

My father wanted to arrange marriage me to a wealthy businessman of UK named Jeremy Walton. He's 27 years old , handsome , know the royalty rules and his dad was my dad's bestfriend.

I don't like Jeremy , he's cocky , full of himself and never consider anyone else. He acted so kind and so mature in front of my father when the fact that he's childish. I met him around 2 years ago and I still remember how he looked like.

I knew if I attend that arrange marriage meeting , I will get married as soon as possible. I need to find a way to get out from this arrange marriage and live a new ordinary life. I really want to get out from this royal life.

"Are you really going to marry that guy?" My sister Samantha asked as we walked back to our room

"I don't want too but I don't have any choice if father wants it" I said turning my head to my sister. I can't tell her about the plan , she will tell dad.. maybe

"If you don't like him then find away to cancel the arrange marriage" She said and I looked at her worry. There's guards and people here. I pulled her into my room where no one is here

"I want too but how?" I asked


"Samantha , we can't runaway from here. We have a tons of guards and CCTV" I said a little bit annoy cause I had thought about it before

"Not here.. at Dubai" She said and I raised my eyebrows

"How? Look Samantha , there's a lot of plans in my head but runaway? Are you serious?" I asked and she nodded

"I will be there with you to go to Dubai , I will help you there"

"How? Tell me the detail" I said and we both sat down on my bed. She took my iPad and showed me the hotel that we will stay tomorrow.

"We will have a dinner with them at 7 and we will arrive there 10 a.m Dubai time so I want you to take a walk around the hotel and find someone who will help you" He said and I looked at her disbelief

"How can I ask for help when the guards are all around me?"

"Prey someone , just prey someone. Ordinary people , to help you hide and help you to cover. I will distract dad and the communication" She said

"Samantha this is crazy okay?"

"Find an ordinary guy or a girl who can help you , ordinary.. Please find an ordinary people"

"But there will be a lot of people staying in that hotel and I mean.. How can I know if he's or she is an ordinary people?" I asked and my head hurted

"Take a walk at the beach and find someone quickly"

"What if that person doesn't want to help me? The guards will know and just.. argh!"

"If your fate is to runaway , someone will help you. If your fate is to marry Jeremy so.. We can't do anything about it" Argh! I don't want to marry that cocky man

"You know how I want to live an ordinary life right?" I said to my sister

"I know but we can't Olivia , it's our destiny to be like this. You can't let that fact go" I sighed

"How are you going to help me in this?" I asked

"I need to tell Tyler about this so he can help me too" Tyler is her husband , Tyler is a really good guy

"Are you sure Tyler will help me?"

"Of course , he hates that good too. Don't worry I will get your back this time" She smiled and held my hand

"This is crazy , how am I going to find a guy or a girl who willing to help me?"

"I have a feeling that someone will help you , you don't need to worry about it"

"I hope they're an ordinary person , so I can hide and not getting in trouble" I prayed and she chuckled

"You worry to much , I'll help you but you need to text me when you're going in a secret text.. text me 'Penguin' and then throw your phone away since we can track you with that" She said and right.. I need to throw my phone away somewhere

"Write my phone number and call me later on with the person's phone"

"Will they be shock that they're helping a princess?" I asked

"You'll never know Olivia , you'll never know"

I'm damn nervous right now.. I bet I can't sleep tonight thinking about this runaway strategy

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