Chapter 24 - Sooner or Later

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Olivia Camery

"Are you out of your mind Olivia?" Darren my brother bursted out and I just stayed silent

"You ranaway 2 times , do you know how humilliating this is for us?" He bursted again

"I'm not happy here Darren , I never felt happy in this palace before" I said calmly and he looked at me disbelief

"You're a Princess , this is your duty whether you like it or not!" He said and at the same time my parents walked into the room. My father looked at me with the most scary expression that I've ever seen

"You are grounded Olivia , I want you to marry Jeremy next week!" He stated and I showed them my hand. I threw the engagement ring

"I threw the ring away , so there will be no marriage" I said

"Olivia Camery!" My father bursted out angrily

"My love , don't be too harsh on Olivia" My mother helped and he turned to my mother angrily

"She's just like you!" He pointed at me and my mother sighed

"I'm not happy here father , you know that I never wanted to be a Princess. I never get to explore the world and never get to do things that I want to do here. Being here is not me , I want you to let me go" I said bravely. Darren and my father looked at me disbelief

"Triple the guards and locked her in her room until she realise who she is!" My father said to Darren

"I never beg something from you father , I've always been a good child but now I want to find my own happiness"

"Nonsense!" My father bursted

"Jeremy almost raped me when I was in Dubai father , do you still want me to marry him? If Daniel wasn't there , I'm already raped to a man that you want me to marry" I said and he turned his body to the window

"Darren , get that Daniel Cesantio to me"

"No" I said calmly and my father turned to me

"Olivia , Darren. Can you leave us for a second?" My mother suddenly said to me and my brother

"Go to your room Olivia" My mother said to me

"Yes mother" I said. Me and my brother walked out from the room. My brother pulled me into his study room.

"What were you thinking?" He asked

"You know me Darren , you know me that I don't want this life" I looked at him seriously

"But running away isn't the way to make this work"

"I don't have any other choice"

"So what exactly to you want now?" He asked

"Let me free , let me study abroad to America" I said

"That's impossible"

"I'll make it work Darren , I want this"

"You met the 7 Gold Lifes right? They gave a really bad influence to you!"

"No , I found my happiness through them. I want to study law in America. New York to be exact Darren" I said because I've made up my mind about this


"You know I ran away 2 times right? There will be the third one" I said seriously to Darren

"Now people around the world know that our guards are not professional enough" Darren hissed

"Well that's your problem cause I don't care"

"How do you even runaway yesterday?" He asked and I smirked

"Secret Darren"

"I'm going to triple up the guards and their skill , you won't be able to runaway again"

"Darren , no matter how you try to stop me. You can't" I said and he sighed. He sat on his chair looking at his laptop

"I'm going to find out about 7 Gold Lifes more detail" Do as you wish brother because I know you will never know deep information about them anyway. You will never know a lot information like I do right now

I walked out from his study room and walked back to my room. I was surprised to see Samantha already sat on my bed

"Is father that mad?" She asked


"The 7 Gold Lifes sure are crazy" She said

"Of course" Suddenly my phone beeped , I quickly took it and looked at the message. It was a bomb message a.k.a it will dissapear after you read it

Unknown : Watch what you're saying , your dad install something inside your room

It must be one of the 7 Gold Lifes , I walked to Samanta to show her the text and it's gone after she read it. She nodded and I smiled

"You need to listen to father now Olivia" I knew she's acting

"I can't , I want freedom"

"You're a Princess Olivia , you can't just go away from your duty" She chuckled silently

"Yeah I know but I'm not happy" I answered

"I'm tired , I'm sleeping here"

"Go away! Tyler will burst my room" I hissed , she took out her phone and we both send notes to each other. We talked about a lot of things.

Suddenly there's someone on the door , I got up and walked to the door opening it.

"Your Highness , The King wants to talk to you" My servant said

"You're dead" Samantha said and I sighed

"I have to get through this or else" I said

"Right.. Goodluck" She smiled and I walked out from the room. I walked to my father's study and knocked 3 times before walking into the door of hell

I walked inside the room and saw his back facing me. It was like a horror movie entering the this room.

"Father" I called him and he turned to me. Did my mother say something to him? Oh my gosh. I'm going to be lock in this Palacehell forever.

"If you dare to runaway again Olivia , there will be a consequences for you and that boy" He said seriously with a really angry and cold tone

"I'm going to triple up the guards and the security for this so you can't runaway again from the palace. You're a Princess , you can't be an ordinary person! There is no way you will be one. You're a part of royalty , you can't change that" He said

"Well you're going to see me not happy then , if it's that what you want father. I'll do it" His expression was quite shock

"I never want something from you before father , I always obey everywords that you say. So now I beg you that I really want to go out from this palace. Live a really ordinary life. Attending university and just be me not a Princess of United Kingdom" I said and he shook his head

"No , I will find you a man that is capable for you soon. You will get married in no time" He said and I sighed

"If you keep acting like this , you will lose your own daughter , father" I said and left his room

I won't give up , there will be a way for me to get out from this palace. Sooner or later

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