Chapter 27 - Worry

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Olivia Camery

"There's a lot of paparazzi outside" I said looking at them in horror

"Yeah , just ignore them. Don't look at them" Daniel said and I turned to him smiling

"I miss you"

"I know , you don't need to say that every minute" He smiled

"1 month Daniel , that's quite long"

"I already booked a ticket to London"

"Cancel it , I'm here" I said and he chuckled

"Later" He held my hand and pulled me to the seat beside him instead of across him

"What did you say to your dad?" He asked

"We fought a lot , it was a cold war between us. I wasn't happy , being in the palace was so boring and just so dull" I said and I took my lemon tea drinking it

"So you ranaway again this time? I thought they triple the guards" He caressed my hair

"He let me go after finding out that I'm not happy. I think my mom talked to him too"

"You'll stay here right?" He asked

"1 week and I need to go shopping because I only bring this dress" I pointed

"You can wear it everyday , I don't mind" He smirked as he put his arm around me pulling me closer to him

"You're annoying" I hissed and he laughed. At the same time out pizza came out and I looked at it completely fall in love with the pizza

"You missed it huh? This place has the best pizza in New York. Try it" He said and I nodded

"So excited" I took out and it's still hot

"Where are we going next?" I asked and he looked at me blankly

"I have a dinner with some businessman. I'll let you meet the girls , apparently Autumn and Joan out of country. Autumn is shooting and Joan has a photoshoot. So I'll let you play with Crystal"

"Lauren and Cailey?" I asked

"No , they're bad influence for you" He said and I laughed

"Bad influence? Oh come on. They're good girls" I said and he shook his head

"No way"

"Oh come let me see them all" I begged by linking my arms to him and he shook his head

"Pick one , play with Crystal or I'll lock you in my house"

"You're mean"

"Oh fuck.. I'm going take you to the meeting. You're not going to play with them" Suddenly Daniel's phone rang and he took it out from his pocket. He sighed when he saw the caller ID.

"Let me pick that up" I stole his phone

"No!" He stole it back. He rejected the call

"You're so mean , let me talk to Lauren!"

"No Olivia" Daniel shook his head and I pouted

"You're a jerk" I took a slice of pizza and bit it

"Where did you learn that word? Erase it from your head" He said

"Let me talk to Lauren" I begged and he gave me his phone. I squealed and called Lauren

"What an assho-"


"Olivia! Oh my gosh! I can't believe you're here! I'm going to pick you up like now. Where are you?" She squealed

"I'm at-"

"Don't tell her" Daniel warned

"I need shopping Lauren! I don't have any clothes" I said

"You call the right girl"

"Daniel got a meeting after this so you can pick me up" I said

"That's great , I'm done with my schedule for today. I'll pick you up"

"I can't believe this" Daniel said and he took his phone from me

"Where are you? Promise that you won't- Lauren! Good.. If I find yo- Don't be a bitch Lauren. I'm taking her to the meeting" He hissed and I raised my eyebrows

"Okay fine , I'll drop her at your office. Later at 5.30" I smiled widely , Daniel ended the call


"Don't give me that face , now eat because your stomach is screaming" He said and I nodded. We talked and catching up a lot. I told him about my boring activity and how he will show me around New York.

He's so sweet and just really cute all the time. I'm so happy and can't believe that I felt this feeling again. It's 5 now , Daniel will take me to Lauren so he can have a 2 hours of meeting.

"Don't answer any of that paparazzi okay? Just keep quite" Daniel said and I nodded. He held my hand really tight and my bodyguards made the way for us. We walked out from the restaurant

Daniel held my hand really tightly and lead me to his car. There's a lot of people surrounding us. People push each other until I was pushed. Daniel put his arm around my shoulder wrapping me close to him and walked faster.

"Your Highness , this is why you runaway?"
"Your Highness , are you dating Daniel?"
"Daniel , are you the reason why Princess Olivia runaway?"
"Is it true that you both met in Dubai?"

There were a lot of questions that were asked by the paparazzi but we never answer them. Daniel opened the car door for me and he walked to the other side. He started the car quickly and drove out from the restaurant

"That was crazy"

"Welcome to New York , the fact that 7 Gold Lifes always take their attention adding you the Princess of UK hanging out with me" He chuckled

"Equal to chaos"

"Of course" He smiled

"Where will your meeting be?"

"Hastington hotel" He answered

"Give me your phone number" I said and he passed me his phone. I wrote my phone number in his phone and called my phone so I can save it

"Don't do weird things with Lauren okay? Promise me" He said holding my hand and I nodded


"You're going shopping only Olivia" He said seriously

"Yes Daniel , geez"

"Good because I don't trust Lauren in this case" He sighed

"Oh come on , we'll be fine"

"Crystal will join later on , Cailey can't join today because she will go to Japan for Zac's race" Daniel said

"It's okay. Stop worrying , we will have a lot of fun" I squealed

"You have the fun , not me"

"Don't worry" Oh Daniel , I'm going to have fun with Lauren and Crystal a lot tonight

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