Chapter 7-Family Talk

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     Now Noiris was back to their house. Mom said, Hey Noiris, why your tummy is too big? Ummm. I didn't know, maybe I'm sick. Uh, It's impossible to be sick, let's go to the hospital and check what's the reason.

Now they are in the hospital now.

Doctor, help!!! My daughter has a big tummy but when she leave our country she don't have a big tummy, Mom said. Doctor said, Ok, I will check if what is the reason of that situation.

Checking the doctor...

Umm, you're the mom of the kid? Ofcourse why not! Umm, Mom. Mom said, WHAT!!! Your daughter was... WAS WHAT?!?! Mom said. Doctor said, pregnant. What?! It's impossible to be pregnant because I told her to not love yet because it's too early. She is only 23 yrs. old. Come on, go back here after 3 months to check the gender of the kid. Uh, Fine!!!

Noiris was trying to escape to her mom so she pretend to be a doctor until she was back to her husband. Mom said, Doctor!! Where's my daughter Noiris? Let's go! Let's check to the Room#81.

They check Noiris there.

Why Noiris was not here!? Maybe she is in the other room. It's impossible because your daughter was registered to the Room#81. Ok, thanks I need to go. Let me get your name. Uh u, I am Doctor Lon B. Sumil. Ok, (I'll report you to the police because you allow to my daughter to go) Mom whispered.

Mom go to the police station.

Police, please arrest Lon B. Sumil.

Police: What he've done?
Mom: Umm,He kidnap my daughter.
Police:What is the name of your daughter?
Police: Ok, I will find out before we arrest, by the way, what is the number of Noiris?
Mom: Her number is 0925-726-029.
Police:Ok, We will do our best for that we will call Noiris.

Mom was calling Noiris outside,  Noiris, If someone call you within 2 minutes, say that you've been kidnap because it is important. By the way, where are you? Uh, I was been kidnapped. What?? Because mom you said if I called someone within 2 minutes I will say that I was kidnapped. I said "If Someone" not me. Oh, ok! I was in the mall. Why you escape? Because I am afraid from the result, Maybe I'm sick so I try it. Mom call down the phone.

Police called Noiris.

Police: Is it true that you've been kidnapped?

Noiris: Yes

Police:Where are you?

Noiris: I'm at the dark place I don't know where.

Police: Ok, You've been kidnapped by Lon B.Sumil.

Noiris: Woah! Thanks, by the way who are you?

Police:I'm a police

Noiris call down the phone.

Why I was consider to being kidnapped, I asked myself to know the reason. I love here in Mall of Asia. Why is it like this?

Mom go back to the Police Station.

Police: What is the job of Lon B. Sumil?

Mom: He is a doctor!

Police: Ok, we will go to that hospital.

     (Police was going to that hospital with Mom.)

Mom:There he is!

Police: Dr. Lon B. Sumil, let's go!!

Dr. Lon: What I've been done?

Police: You've kidnapped Noiris.

Dr.Lon: What?! No!! She just escape here.

Police: Nah! Noiris said thoroughly and her Mom.

Dr.Lon: But the truth is she escape.

Police:Oh come on I'm not believing you.

    (Dr.Lon was arrested)

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