Chapter 5 - The Return Of Neko Girl

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We decided to take a dinner together .-. Shiina said she make extra foods, maybe that was her ninja intuition? Anyway i can't wait to taste her cooking :3 just thinking about it make me starving.

>Dining Room<

"What the?!!" When we enter the room, all of the foods that Shiina make were gone, nothing left at all, and there was a girl that still eating alone, she has a a cat ear and a tail.

"Thanks for the food~ O(≧▽≦)O" the girl look at us with her innocent face after she finishing her last bite.

"Ngghh....i knew it.. it was you after all 💭" i sigh.

"you know her Agira-san? She look a lot like what  you might call a human, even so, her appearance really look similar to a cat" Aigis state that while observing the her.

"That's right! I'm a neko girl, nyan~ >3<" she answer Aigis proudly.

"....." Shiina staring at the girl and Shiina walk closer to her.

"n-nyan~? I'm sorry that i rude, im not doing this in purpose >~<" but Shiina didn't listen and just keep getting closer to her "n-nyan~ >~< this girl scary! >~< i-i'll make a new one and-" before she finish her sentence, Shiina already infront of her and then Shiina hug her quickly.

"It's so CUTE! O(≧▽≦)O <3 " Shiina enthusiastically hugging her, as if her excitement level is at max.

".....she's a moron >.>" the cat girl cast her eyes away.

"It appear that Shiina-san has an extreme attachment to a cute things, her body temperature change and her mood increase drastically at thi case, her body will-"

"I guess we know that Aigis, you don't need to explain 💭" i stop her before she explain any further.

"Understood..." Aigis reply with a plain expression.

"...💭💭💭" Shiina still hugging the cat girl and Nyan-chan trying to let go of her hug.

"According to her expression, it appears that this neko girl-san actually liking what Shiina-san did to her, her excitement level increase and despite of what neko girl-san said, her body actually showing a sign that she don't mind being hugged" Aigis explain it without showing any expression.

"Whoaaa Aigis o.o ahaha so you're a tsundere huh Nyan-chan xD" as i laugh at that, Nyan-chan quickly break the hug from Shiina.

"SHUT IT!" She then hit my head in a flash.

"Ugh! Will you stop hitting me!" I rub my head.

"According to my dictionary, a tsundere is a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person, even so..she actually have a really soft heart" Aigis trying to explain.

".....interesting" Shiina said it quitely.

"Hmm.....that's cute xD" im just trying to tease her.

"B-b-baaaaaaaaka!" soon after she yell that, Nyan-chan hit my head over and over agsin but, this time...she didn't use any energy which make her hit really weak.

"stoppu stoppu xD you should've just tell Shiina if you want her to hug you again xD"

"Baka >~<" she pouts.

"Agira-san, judging from how you react and how you said it, it is appears that you wanted some too" Aigis say that without any hesitant.

"Huh?" Nyan-chan look at Aigis with a confused look.

"No i'm not -.- i didn't say anything like that"

"It is obvious, let me give you a hug to make you warm" Aigis walk closer to me.

"N-no! I said i-" before i finishing my sentence, Aigis suddenly embrace me.

"Don't worry, i will always be by your side" Aigis hugging me more tigther.

I sense two powerful glare "A-Aigis, i'm okay now" i let go of her hug.

"I'm glad to heR that Agira-san ^_^" she smile and at the same time, those glare were remove from the two girls.

"Yeah ^_^ thanks Aigis" i said that while still a little sweating because of those sharp eyes.

".....hentai" Shiina said it quickly.

"What? O.O" i look at her.

"Baka hentai! >~<!" Nyan-chan shout that while pouting.

"I didn't do anything >~<" i try to stop them.

"Baka baka baka hentai hentai hentaiiiiiiii! >~<" but Nyan-chan just getting more louder than before.

"Ngghh....dinner!" I said whatever i have on my mind.

"ack!!!" Nyan-chan stop and start panicking" i-i'll make a new one! I-i can cook too! >~<"

"Phew (i'm survive)" i let out a small sigh.

"It's okay, i can cook another one" Shiina walk away to a kitchen without saying anything else.

"T-thanks Shiina! >3< nyan~ <3 " she looks grateful.


"What? you're tured or what? And..." she look at both me and Aigis "say...why yoy stick so close to him? are you two a lovers what?!" I can sense a little annoying tone in her voice bit at the same time, her expression kinda serious.

"No, we're n--" before i finish it, Aigis cut my line.

"Yes, my highest priority is to be by his side" Aigis said that with her usual tone.

"S-Seriously?!!" Nyan-chan really surprise "ugh! (I'm too late)" she *t irritated all of a sudden.

"💭💭💭 Aigis.....why don't you go and see Shiina? Shiina could use your help" i look at Aigis.

"I'll do as you say" Aigis nod her head and then go to kitchen.

"...i'm tired all of a sudden 💭" i sigh again.

"She's like.....your personal maid or something 💭" Nyan-chan say that while looking at Aigis back.

" did yoy even get here?" I ask her.

"Ahh... about that..." she explain what happen and it appears that she's been following me since this morning we met "so that's what happen.." she rub her head "Tee-hehe..."

"That's explain why i feel like someone been watching me -.- i even heard someone voices, so it was you after all" sigh.

"Y-yeah, nyan~ i chuckle because i'm excited" she smile while still rubbing her head "Anyway..... about Aigis, you two really a lovers huh? >.>" she look away while saying that.

"Nah, i barely even know her, i don't know why but she keep saying something unusual like that" i sigh again.

"Honto?!! Well that's as i expected, nyan~ ^3^" she smile for some reason.

"What yoy mean by that? -.-"

" i mean, no girl wanted to have someone as dumb as you xD" she laugh evily.

"Yeah right, even you're not interested in me right? -.-"

"W-well...." Nyan-chan look hesitating.

"Nah, eve if you did and actually confessing your love to me, i'll probably going to reject you xD" i laugh back at her.

*baka O~O" she change her laugh into a little cry.

"I'm just kudding! Haha...*nervous*'re kinda cute so i'll probably consider you ^_^" i smile nervously.

"B-baka! Bakaa!! Bakaaaaa!!! >///<" she hit me many times weakly, maybe she purposedly didn't use her strength? Remembering how strong her punch was at the first time we met -.- so it's probably the case. 


(Thanks for reading! 💞)

Kako Kara no On'nanoko. Genzai to Mirai (A Girl From the Past, Present & Future)Where stories live. Discover now