Clarie P.O.V
"Let's go",Dajsha said.I was too scared to go in because the party was for popular people which Dajsha is not me."Okay,I go in.",I said.The house was big and it look like a night club.Dajsha start hugging boys and introducing me to boys.I saw boys kissing girls,smoking weed,twerking,and more.Chresanto kissing a girl.DAMN!!!!!,she is lucky getting a kiss from sexy juicy lips God bless his DNA!!!!! I was just staring.Dajsha was tapping me,I was just shock he could kiss GOOD!!!!!
Chresanto P.O.V
I know what I was doing,I saw Clarie looking at me and I was happy she was looking at me.I was kissing Rochelle for a reason to make Clarie look at me.It look like she never had got kissed before, she is beautiful.After finishing with Rochelle,I found Clarie drinking a shot."U can't drink that," I said."Yes,I can",She said.She drink it and she coughed."I told you",I laughed."You must be a expert",She said.Clarie was too hype from the start.I call Dajsha,Dajsha went right to Clarie.Dajsha got her bag and jacket.Clarie was twerking on guys,drinking shots like million times,smoking weed and more.I felt bad I decided to drive Clarie home.Oh God here comes parents mom always likes me but dads hate me,and Clarie's dad I am nervous for.Do I like Clarie? Duh,she is beautiful,she has a beautiful smile,and she got beauiful personality.She is my dream girl."Chresanto,do you have a books with teddy bears in them?",Clarie said."No,me and Dajsha is taking you home so you could rest",I said.While we was driving,Clarie fell asleep in the backseat and Dajsha was mad at me for some reason.
Dajsha P.O.V
I was mad at Chresanto because he kissed that girl.Clarie was just trying to get his attention which is not her.He knew that too.
Clarie P.O.V
I woke up in the same clothes I had on the party.It was 6:00.I got do my morning routine and chose a outfit to impress Chresanto.I went downstairs and saw Dajsha eating food in my house as always."Good Morning",I said."Good Morning Sleeping Beauty",Dajsha said.While we was driving to school,Dajsha told me I was drunk last night and she and Chresanto help me out."Thank You for protecting me!!!",I said.When we got out the car,I gave her a big hug.School now,nobody was not looking at me.I was at my locker and Chresanto August came up to me."Thank you for helping me when I was drunk",I said."Your Welcome,Can you come by my house today',He said."Sure.",I said."My number is in your phone",he said.I was so nervous inside but the outside I was happy.
FanfictionMy name is Clarie. I am shy, and insecure because I think I am fat.I have a crush on the most popular boy Chresanto August every girl wants him.But,I think I am not good enough for him. I get straight A's.I don't get in trouble, like I am a good gir...