Clarie P.O.V
I am home with my dad. Bored as ever. I got a text from Dajsha, saying come to her house."Dad,can I go to Dajsha's house",I said."Sure",he said. My dad likes Dajsha, she is like a daughter to him. What happen to my mom? Well, she and dad had a divorced it didn't work out.I was walking to Dajsha's house.When I got there, Dajsha in boy shorts as usually. "Hi, Boo", she said giving me a hug. "Hi,Bestie", I said. "Dajsha,what is sex like?",I asked.Dajsha smiling cause she loves the word sex."Clarie,you want to have sex with Chresanto?",she asked.She is so hype."Yes,I think so",I said."You do because you get nervous when you around him",she asked. Damn,she is good. "I know right,I am so good",she said. "I am going to call Chresanto, so he come over here", she said. "Hell NO!!!",I yelled.She already call Chresanto."He is coming over",she said. "Dajsha,why would you do that?,I said. "Because y'all is so cute and I could tell you and Chresanto likes each other , but just afraid to admit it",she said.Meanwhile, I was on instagram looking at pics, I have 1,000 followers for being Dajsha's best friend and Chresanto's page got like 10k followers mostly girls following him.He follows me. Do Chresanto really like me? I snap out my thoughts, when the doorbell rung. I open the door and it was Chresanto August. "Hi,Clarie", he said with a million dollar smile and he gave me a hug."Hi,Chresanto",I said giving a smile back. My phone start ringing, it was my cousin,which always have parties and the best parties ever. "Hi,Christina are you having another party?", I said. Dajsha came downstairs becuase she heard party. "Hi,Chresanto", Dajsha said. She mouth to me that we are going to the party."So, are you coming to my party?",Christina asked. "Yes, I am going to your party",I said. "Yay! Bye,love you",I said. "Love you too",I said. "Chresanto,tell your boys that we are going to the best party ever",Dajsha said. "How is this party is the best ever?", he asked. Me and Dajsha look at him what the fuck is wrong with you face."You know Christina?", I asked. "Not really,but Ray know her because he went to her one of her parties",he said. "Well,Christina is my cousin",I said.
Chresanto P.O.V
I can't believe it Clarie knows Christina.I am just praying nothing don't happen to Clarie.I really love Clarie. I text Clarie LOVE 4 U. She had got the text. "Awwww, that's so sweet my two bunnies is having a love moment, this is so adorable!!!!!", Dajsha said."Dajsha,shut up", me and Clarie said. "Hurtful!",Dajsha said. I spend the rest of the time spending it with Clarie and Dajsha. I found out a lot about Clarie. Her dad is overprotective, her favorite model is Asia Dee,she is in love with Rihanna, and she is very funny. "Dajsha, we is having a sleepover",Clarie said. "Yay!!",Dajsha said. "Can I join?", I asked. "No, your mind is freaky and dirty",Clarie said. "That is true",I said. Freaky things to her. "Like you don't think freaky too,Clarie",Dajsha said. "Well,when it comes to Chris Brown and Tyga",Clarie said. I love her.
FanfictionMy name is Clarie. I am shy, and insecure because I think I am fat.I have a crush on the most popular boy Chresanto August every girl wants him.But,I think I am not good enough for him. I get straight A's.I don't get in trouble, like I am a good gir...