All About The Rep

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Chresanto P.O.V

OMG!!!! I just had sex again, but Chole is SOOOOOO SEXY!!!!! I am so dumb because I am having a child soon and I am still doing the same things.I want to know why Clarie wanted me to have sex with Chole. So,I call Clarie.

"Hey,Clarie.Why did you want me to have sex with Chole?",I said.

"Because I don't want to ruin your rep",she said.

"SO WHAT!!!!!!!",I said.

"You is very popular,and you is best football player in school,hottest boy in the school,and the chick magnet, but which category do I fit in? None.",she said.

It is time to tell her.

"Clarie,I like more-",she cut me off

"Sorry,Chresanto Lucas is calling me,Dajsha,and Lucas is going to meet Lucas's friends",she said.

"Please be safe",I said.

"Chresanto come down don't worry I have protection",she said.

"I love you", I said.

"Love you,too",she said back.

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