About the Writer/Aspiring Author

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Dumane Daley was born  on October 06, 1998. He is the sole creator of this work. All ideas and events portrayed in this book is based on Dumane's imagination, personal feelings and belief system.

The writer, is open to all proposals and recommendation for agents and editors.

If you so happens to be an editor/ publisher and share an interest in this work. Please message me. It would be great working with you.

Feel free to follow me. I want to keep you updated on all developments and future works.

I don't think we met before, but I do hope to cross paths some day. — Maybe even just by accident? In a coffee shop? Who knows?

Unthil then? lets keep it alive here. I hate saying good byes(makes my eyes water). Feels like we've just begun :)

Welcome to the family!!!
— love yourself

Yours sincerely,
Dumane Daley

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