Venom (Key)

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"I swear if you don't get out of my face this moment, I'm going to punch your pretty little face," you growled. 

"You wouldn't dare," he hissed. 

"Kim Kibum, I'm not fucking kidding." 

Key tilted his head, cynically. "I'll leave you alone when you tell me exactly what you were doing over at Jonghyun's place so late." 

"I already told you. I was helping him out, the poor guy just went through a bad breakup. You would know, you're his band mate." 

"And let me guess, you're his perfect bait for rebound? What really happened?" 

"What the hell do you want from me? I'm telling you what happened," you stared straight into his eyes. "Is that not what you want to hear? Okay, fine. I went over to Jonghyun's place so that I could seduce him in his time of need. I pranced around in my skimpy underwear, and begged him to take me on the kitchen table." 

He rolled his eyes obnoxiously, "Whatever." 

"See? None of my answers satisfy you, so why don't you leave me alone?" 

"_________, why do I love you?" 

"You don't, not anymore," you answered. "It's very clear." 

"It's also very clear that you don't love me anymore either." 

How did it come to this? You two seemed to be the perfect couple to the public. He was a replica of you as a whole. Your personality, your desires, your personal preferences, they were all the same. Where did it all go wrong? Was it when you two got over the honeymoon stage? Was it when both of you quit with the romance? 

You guessed you got so accustomed to each other over the past six months, that you didn't even try. Being just like the other made it pretty hard. You thought you'd just agree on everything, but that wasn't the case. He was just as stubborn as you, and had the same strong rage inside of him. You bumped heads due to practically being the same person. 

Arguments replaced sweet talks, tender kisses became cruel bites, love making was substituted with rough, obscene sex. The two of you shouted insults to and fro, exchanged nasty swears, and were at each other's throats constantly. Although it never got physical. 

But it wasn't like you didn't care about each other, you did, yet it was somehow overshadowed by all the fury. You wished you could leave the toxic relationship, but you couldn't. Neither of you could. Key had tried to move out once, it only lead him to come back at three in the morning, getting back under the sheets with you. 

That was where everything was well. Between the sheets. You both agreed on exactly what went on, and how it was to be done. It was a place where you remembered how painfully good it felt to be dominated by him. Damn your masochistic ways. 

"How much longer are we going to be doing this?"  you sighed. 

"I don't know. Till we kill each other, maybe?" he sneered. "Why? Do you want me to leave again?" 

"Are you going to come back?" 


"Where's the fun in that?" 

Key slammed your wrists tightly against the wall above your head. "I swear to God if I catch you with another guy....I'll make you regret it." 

"Are you going to finally leave me?" 

"Worse. I'll sleep with another girl," he threatened. 

That was one of the biggest points in your relationship. You were possessive. What was yours, was yours. What was his, was his. It didn't matter how much you fought, how sometimes you genuinely felt like you hated him. He was only yours to hate. You were only his to loathe. That was the glue that kept you together for so long. 

"Fuck you," you cursed at the thought of him being with another woman. 

He smirked seconds before smashing his mouth against yours. He pried your lips open, slipping his tongue inside. You snapped your teeth on his lower lip, as strong as you could. A moan left him, and he began to plan his revenge. Dropping his grip from one of your hands, he spanked your bottom violently. 

Unsurprisingly, that was how all the arguments concluded. Always. All the anger lead up to great sex, not disappointing to either of you. Still, you couldn't help but feel regret the very next morning. You wanted to so badly for things to return back to normal. To the romantic Kibum. But the nasty Kibum was so much better, in a poisonous way. He was your personal brand of venom. 

Things were never going to go back to how they were in the beginning. Never. It was always going to be the same vicious cycle. Till death do you part. 

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