Act (Minho)

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"I know, I'm sorry, it's just that this asshole likes making my life hell," you whined.

You didn't know how many times you said that exact explanation, but it was often, your friends had practically memorized it. Not because you always cancelled your plans with them (definitely because you always cancelled your plans with them).  How was it that your job always found a way of taking over your life on your day off? Oh that''s right: Choi Minho

Hanging up the phone, you kind of went over the speed limit, just a little bit. You wanted to make it to the coffee shop ASAP. That way you could get the argument that was ensued over with. Maybe soon enough to at least make your date tonight. 

Minho sat on top of the counter, legs dangling from it in a childish manner- per usual. 

"What is it now?" you pulled a chair and straddled it backwards, resting your chin on the edge. 

"You need to fire Taemin," he shrugged. "He's incompetent." 

"I'm not firing him, he's the best barista I've hired in the past six months. Besides it would take me way too fucking long to find someone else to fill in his impossible schedule, absolutely not, " you decided. 

"If you'd on't fire him, I will," he threatened. 

"Give me one good reason he needs to go." 

"He spends more time ogling you than fixing drinks."  

"O-o-ogling me?" you stuttered. "Don't make me laugh. You're hardly at this shop, you don't even know what's going here." 

You two were both managers under the same company, but you managed separate locations. For some reason though, you saw each other quite often. 

"And what do you care who I have working for me? This is my shop after all." 

This guy was such a dickhead, like 99% of the time. He always found something to complain about, something to argue over. Last week it was because you ordered more coffee beans for your store than he did for his. The week before that he put in word with the big boss that you were giving employees raises because you had overstepped your boundaries of supervisor, and had become their friend instead. The week previously to that, he filled in for you on his day off, because you'd gotten sick, and he felt it'd only be fair to fire two staff members simply because they stared at him wrong. The dude was a piece of shit to you for no apparent reason. 

Minho stretched out, "it seems you can't even handle this store. I should probably just supervise over both." 

"Why would anyone want to work for you in two stores? Everyone already hates you at your shop, please don't make mine to suffer the same consequences," you stood up. 

"At least I'm not like you," he hopped off the counter. "Letting your emotional ties guide you through managing them." 

"You mean being a human being with sentiments?" you chuckled. "You're just a jerk to your staff because you probably haven't had sex in like three years or something." 

"C'mon, you really think someone like doesn't get laid?" 

Dammit, damn him to hell. Not only was he a piece of shit, but he was an attractive one at that. An attractive one that was aware of it, and wasn't afraid of rubbing it in your face. He had caught you staring at him numerous amounts of time, and in fact, that was the only way you could stand most of your meetings with him. You could tune him out, and just admire his good genes. That was until he said something absurd and ludicrous, then you'd come back to the harsh reality that he was still a turd, just polished on the outside. 

 "Dude, look, whatever, when are you going to get tired of being on my ass?" 

(which you wished he would take it literally and not so much figuratively)

"Till the main man realizes how useless you are to the company and hands over this shop to me," he strolled around the empty space. 

He was so greedy, and it was so irritating. It wasn't like you instigated anything with the guy. You were never going to his shop to complain about how he ran things, not even when you filled in for him last minute. You didn't question how he managed to get a key to your store, you didn't even bother to get a key to his store, because shit it's none of your business what he does. Why was he putting so much effort into getting you fired? There were plenty of other shops he could go after. WHY YOURS? 

Your head was already throbbing, "you know what? I'm done with you. I'm done with all the shit you put me through. No one stresses me out as much as you do. You want my shop? Work for it, don't go around ratting me out, making up bullshit, acting like I'm useless." 

"You're not completely useless," he smirked. "You're actually kinda cute, you have a natural charm which attracts customers." 

You groaned, "funny you never say this when the boss is around." 

"Don't think I haven't suggested you get a  better position," he rounded you, checking you out without shame. "I told him you'd make sales skyrocket if you showed off some skin." 

"You're disgusting," you glared at him. 

Not only did he hate you, but he was also attracted to you in the same way you were to him. The feelings for each other were mutual. 

"Get out of my store," you snapped. "I have a date I'd like to actually make." 

"Lovely, you have a date?" he grinned. "My condolences to him." 


"You think they saw us?" you asked, looking over his shoulder. 

Minho nodded, "even if they didn't, they definitely heard us." 

"Hopefully our act keeps them off our tails for a while." 

"It has worked for the past two years, it should work for a long while," he assured you. "They had stopped suspecting us months ago, until you had to invite me to your fucking store." 

"Hey, I just wanted your opinion on the new latte. I didn't ask you to fuck me on the counter," you remembered that spontaneous session. 

Minho and you had been together for a while, but only in secret. If word got out that you two were together, coworkers, you'd both be instantly kicked out due to the strict no dating policy the company had. 

From time to time you'd pretend to have a spat here and there, just to make believe that you absolutely hated each other. Keep the suspicions at bay, since they were keeping tabs on you two. 

It served as foreplay as well, as long as the both of you kept the mentality that you were coworkers that hated each other, but lusted for each other deep down inside, the sex would be great when you got back to your place. 


I hope this one made sense? My mind was everywhere with it, and it was a bit of in a rush, so sorry if it's like crap or w/e. <3

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