Chapter #9: Finally (Dove's P.O.V)

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Ryan is driving, I wanna tell him everything, but we're listening to music meanwhile, every time we come here, we rent an apartment, now all I'm thinking of is what I'm gonna tell him? I'm not that confused, but... Well... Er, we could say I kinda I am... Agh! Who am I kidding? I'm super confused!!

Ryan and I finally get to the apartment and run inside my room, well... We could call it "our" room now that we're both here... Well, anyway, I ran to our room and started looking for my ring and a cap I had gotten Ryan about a week before he came, I ran towards him with a smile and then got on my knees, I said "Ryan McCartan, would you like to be my boyfriend and fiancée again?" Ryan laughs and says "YES!!" With a wide smile, I put my ring on and he put his cap on after I gave it to him, he kissed my lips, and I didn't wanna let go, we stopped kissing when we got interrupted by the door, somebody was knocking the door, but who? Ryan quickly opened the door after checking who it was... It was Claire! I'm so confused, why is she here? She sees us kissing again cause we didn't really mind her presence at that moment, we just kissed again and my sister plays "Say You Won't Let Go" dancing to it

Ryan and I stopped kissing after the song ended, my sister was looking at both of us with a really cute face, and then she said "awww, love... How cute, am I interrupting?" Everything was silence for a while and then Claire says "I'm just kidding, of course I am, I'm leaving" then Ryan and I looked at her really confused and said "bye", but when we did, she had already walked out the door.

Ryan asked me if he was allowed to kiss me again, but this time deeper, it was just like making out, I said "yes" my cheeks were bright red and I smiled, he smiled back and we kissed, Ryan was about to Tweet something, but I put his phone down, we didn't stop kissing until he said "I'm hungry" and I said the same, we both went in the kitchen and ate some watermelon and drank tea, meanwhile we were thinking of writing more songs.

After we finished eating, Ryan took his guitar and we started writing and jamming to the rhythm of the music we were making, my life was complete, Ryan was exactly what I needed, the missing piece of my heart, the love of my life.

We were finally writing songs again just like it used to be, the only thing I don't wanna do is tell the fans right now, I want them to think I've moved on and that I'm dating someone else, even though I have a feeling someone's just gonna discover it, but will they tell everyone? I hope not... But what if they do??

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