Chapter #22: Come Here Already! (Ryan's P.O.V )

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So Chloe left before I did, I went straight to the airport because I had to leave at about 10am, so I got in the car and someone drove me there, I was of course going to LA, Chloe is supposed to be there tomorrow, she rented a new apartment, but she hasn't gotten the keys yet, so she's coming back and moving into her new home, but not for long, she told me she was coming back to live with me, so... It's been really fun to be here, just talking to Chloe and having her around makes me feel better about the bad stuff that's going on in the world.

I just got to the airport and it's 9:02am so I gotta leave soon, I'm just being something for Chloe and that's it, I always take really long buying so, it was just easy to kill time that way, I knew I was gonna look at pics of her on my phone all the time we're flying, I'm always that way when I'm not with her, not being with her makes me really nervous and stuff, so looking at pictures of her or of us makes me feel better.

It's been 20 minutes already and I have to board the plane now, I put my phone on airplane mode and boarded the plane, I of course chose something for Chloe that surprised me when I was at the store before getting in here, I got in here and looked for my seat, I found it and sat down, turns out I was gonna be alone because there wasn't gonna be anyone next to me, I smiled at that and started looking at pictures of Chloe before we could even take off.

Okay, so it's been 1 hour and we already took off, duh! I'm still looking at pictures of Chloe, I'm not kidding, it's been more than 1 hour and I'm still looking at pics of her, am I crazy? Well... I mean, yeah crazy in love could work, but still, am I? All I can think of is of Chloe, there's nothing else in my mind, just her green, emerald, gorgeous eyes, the way she looks at me, and how funny she is, and just to make it clear, I'm NOT dating her because she's hot, I'm dating her because I love who she is as a person and as a human being.

It's been 4 hours, we're almost there! We're about to land, I'm gonna get everything sorted out for when Chloe comes home, I want her with me already!! Like I haven't left her for 1 Day and look at me, I'm freaking out

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