Chapter #10: Broken Heart?...Not Anymore (Ryan's P.O.V)

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After Chloe gave me the cap, and she put her ring back on, I smiled, I know I'm still falling fast for her, we're going to sleep, but before she could lay down, I quickly ran towards her and kissed her lips, she kissed back and she tried to let go, but I said "a little more" and then she kept on, I love her so much! I think I love her even more than I love my mom... Even though that's a lot, I think it's true...  So we keep kissing, until now, it's Friday, so we she doesn't have to work tomorrow, I don't wanna go back to L.A., I don't think I will either, unless there's something really important to do, but I think I wanna take this moment really serious, I mean not serious, but like I wanna stay with her as much time as I can, before we went to sleep and Chloe let go, she played "Me and My Broken Heart"

I don't know why she did that, but I honestly don't care, I was just focusing on the kiss, then we both let go at the same time and I said "why are you playing that song? We're together, there's no broken heart" I smile and she laughed, then she said "that's why, now this is just the beginning" I smiled at her and she smiled back, then we both went in the bed and I started tickling her, she laughed nonstop and I smiled, then I said "Chloe, your smile and laugh give me life" she blushed and  said "really?" And I say "ALWAYS, MY LITTLE CUPCAKE!" then she blushed even more and I hugged her, after that, we both fell asleep.

It's Saturday, Chloe hasn't woken up yet, as far as I know, then a few minutes went by and I heard her come downstairs and then I said "good morning, did you sleep well?" She nodded and said "good morning, and yeah, I did sleep well because you're here" She smiled and I did too, then I asked her what she wanted, she said "whatever you wanna cook" then I said "tell me, I don't bite" she laughed, blushed and I smiled then she finally said "pancakes" and I said "Okay, now come here, hug me, I really don't bite, you know it" she laughed and then walked towards me and hugged me, then she kissed my lips, just like every morning, I missed that so much! But now everything is back to normality, though we can't tell the fans, we wanna keep it all to ourselves, Chloe thinks they're not ready to know, but I think someone will figure it out sooner or later... But I still don't know if that person or those people will tell anyone... Hope not... Then I just started cooking and asked Chloe if she wanted to help me, she nodded and I said "can you please give me some eggs" she nodded and ran to the refrigerator, she opened the refrigerator door and took two eggs out of it, she washed them and gave them to me, then I said "now you can sit down babe" she smiled and sat down I was really happy I got to call her "babe" again that made me happy, I started making the pancakes and meanwhile the cooked, I measured my sugar blood, because I'm a diabetic type one, it was a little low, but I was gonna eat so it was okay, when the pancakes were finally ready, I put them on a plate, I already knew how much protein and carbohydrates and stuff the pancakes had so, I just ate two, that was what I needed, I always have to count how much food I need, I always have to use math... Even though I hate it, I need to use it every day

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