2- Mental Institution Patients

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"So let me get this straight." I said warily,  stepping forward to face the big oaf and greasy hair, "you come barging through my door at 11 pm on august 2, looking like your homeless," I said pointing to the giant, " and looking like you don't shower," pointing to greasy hair, "and you expect me to believe I'm a witch?  From my point of view I think your either drunk or have just escaped from a mental institution. " Greasy Hair smiled at me, "Just like your mother Paige."

I snorted,  "I don't know who this Paige chick is, but my name is NEMESIS.  N-E-M-E-S-I-S. Considering you know my name, what's your names? Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum?" J muffled a giggle.

"My name is Rubeus Hagrid." the giant said. im still gonna call him the honeless giant

"I am Professor Severus Snape." Greasy hair said, "Professor Dumbledore has sent us to retrieve you and take you shopping for school and wizarding stuff for school. You will both be first years, say goodbye to your family, you're not coming back until next summer." I looked at J, We squealed in excitement. I turned to Hagrid and Sev,  "let's go."

On my way out I turned around and said " さようならマザーファッカーズ" (Translation:Bye Mother F**kers)

and ran as fast as I could to get to the others.
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Next Day

I heard J land beside me with a thud, we were staying at the leaky cauldron. "Happy Birthday" We squealed in unison. Sev and Hagrid came in and told us to get dressed to go to diaper-no-diagonal-no-diagon alley. Once we were in diagon alley we went to the bank.  I got 600 Galleons out of vault 687. Back on the surface we split up, Hagrid and J, Sev and me. We went to Madame Malkims robes. I got 3 pairs for 50 Galleons. Then I bought a trunk for 10 Galleons, its a nice green (a mix between apple green and sap green) and my full name was on it in Prussian Blue. Walking out of the shop I ran into a man with really blonde hair. "Sorry Sir, I didn't see you there. " I said apologetically.  He held out his hand to help me up as I fell on the floor.  "Thanks" I said

"Lucius Malfoy, and you're?" he said.

"oh sorry,  I'm Nemesis Narcissa Andromea Bellatrix Lestrange." I said,  "you seem familiar,  have we met before?" But before he could answer a little boy came running up to him, "when do I get to play Quidditch?" he demanded

"Draco,  Stop nagging."

"Lucius." I heard Sev say as ge put his hand on my shoulder, "time to go Nemesis.  Got to buy more things."

"Who are you?" that little snooty boy asked me. "Leaving" Sev and I said in unison, "I'll see you at hogwarts." 
What a brat, gorgeous but a brat. suppose I could call him a git, or a douché but anyone would do. His eyes were an odd colour. 

Severus pushed me into Ollivanders wand shop muttered something and left where am I? "hello?" I called out.

"Miss Lestrange, how do you do? im Mr Ollivander the wand maker, here for the first time?  try this wand." he rambled. After a while of wrecking Ollivanders shop I got the perfect wand,  a cedar wood 13 3/4" Phoenix,  thestral hair and veela hair core. the best part was the vine of roses that snaked up the wand. I gave Mr Ollivander the money and left. I saw Sev with a woman so I let him be. I headed into the owl emporium.  I looked around until I saw a magnificent one. it had an orange beak and orange legs, it had feathers the same green colour as my trunk, it had Prussian Blue as well and some violet. I has to buy that one. so I payed the man 100 Galleons for the bird, a cage, a stand and 1kg of owl food. I pet my bird and went back to the hotel. I was going to teach my bird some tricks.
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