Chapter Fifteen

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Fred's POV

Scorpius gave me a glare. He walked into the hall and stopped, waiting for me. I walked past him with as much courage as possible.

"This isn't over Weasley!" He grabbed my arm. 

"I think it is." I replied. I jerked my arm away from him and started to walk.

Scorpius scoffed. "You know, I promised Drae I wouldn't do this but, you kind of give me no choice."

Being a seventh year. He apparated in front of me. "Do what?" I asked.

"This." He turned away for a second and then came back with a punch in the stomach. "I said stay away from her. If you don't, your going to get worse than that." Scorpius turned and walked away. 

"Fred?" I saw Albus coming down the hall. I was on the floor so of course he came. "What happened?" He asked.

I winced. "Well, I tried to visit Draevyn, Scorpius kind of told me off on it." I said.

Albus shook his head. "Okay Fred, I'm going to tell this to you straight. Give. Up. On. Her. She'll never feel the same." 

I didn't want to face the truth. "No."

"Oh come on man!" He yelled. "You know it's true."

"No. Not yet anyway."

Albus rolled his eyes. "You are one stubborn guy."

I sat up. "Don't you know it." 

Draevyn's POV

I sat up from my slumber. My head still hurt a little but it was much better than yesterday, or today, I wasn't sure.

I looked over to my side. The black box from the Brandish kit was on the side table. I looked around and grabbed it like a fat kid would grab cake.

It was smooth and cold. I popped the lid slightly open and a mist flowed from the box. "Okay, that's a little creepy." 

Inside was a piece of rolled parchment. I unrolled it and read the pink text. 

Because you have been blind,

Someone you'll have to find,

Someone who loves you deeply,

But has been very sheeply,

The reason we did this,

Is so you won't dimiss,

The truth that lies,

Before your eyes.

I read it over and over until it was memorised in my head. Someone who loves me deeply. I narrowed the possibilities down to Scorpius and Florin. Scorpius because he was my brother, and Florin because of what he tried to do. But Florin can't be it, he's a champion like me. So Scorpius was my only option. I'd better not tell him about it. I thought. 

The next task wasn't til after the Yule Ball and Christmas. I looked out the window as I saw a single snow flake settle on the window sill.

I had gotten out of the infirmaray and could go to all of my classes. Luckily, Scorpius was a good older brother and taught alot of things during the summer, so it didn't take me long to caatch up. Headmistress Macgonagal had called us all to an empty room that was at the far end of the school. It was warmer than most of the other rooms because it was closer into the maountainside.

"I know you have all heard about the Yule Ball. It is held every Triwizard Tournament, on Christmas Eve, it is not just a ball, but a dance." All the girls already knew this but they still gasped in excitement. All of the Gryffindor and Slytherin boys groaned. "Now, at the beginning, there is a waltz, wihich everyone participates in. That is why I called you here, so you can practice." She paused. "In every lady is a swan ready to take flight. In ever man, a graceful lion ready to pounce. Now, ladies, gentlemen on your feet." 

All of the girls jumped out of their seats, al most none of the boys got up. With some shooing from Macgonagal though, they were all up. Scorpius got up from the Slytherin side and came right over to me. "Dear sister, may I have this dance?"

I giggled, "Of course, darling brother." I bowed. I put my hand on his shoulder and he took my waist.

"So am darling now am I?" He questioned.

I smiled, "Only when your not being a obnoxious older brother." The music started and Scorpius and I danced. My mother always believed that we should be proper when we became adults, so she gave us scores of lessons on etiquette and dancing. The steps were easy. One, two, three, one, two, three.

"Now switch!" We turned around to face our new partners. Scorpius  was lucky enough to get Lily but I got Ty.

"Hello beautiful." He said smirking.

"Oh shut up." I muttered.

"Why are you mad at me?" Ty questioned. "It was your father that told me to-"

"Yeah but you still did it! You could've told him no and been done with it."

Macgonagal had perfect timing. "Switch!" I turned and saw my new partner. I had never seen him before at the Slytherin table or common room. He was tall, dark, handsome, with high cheekbones and brown hair. His bangs were quaffed so they stuck up and he had eyes as green as maple leaves, 

"I've never seen you before." I said. 

"That's because I just transfered this year, after you were put into Gryffindor." He said. His voice reeked of a scottish accent which melted my heart. "My name's Collin Ishvater."

"Nice to meet you Collin, I'm-"

"Draevyn Malfoy," he interrupted, "It's kinda hard not to miss your name, or a smile as beautiful as yours." 

I felt color rush to my cheeks. "Thank you,"

"Would you go to the Yule Ball with me?" He asked. 


"Switch! And now you should be back to your orginal partner." Now Macgonagal had horrible timing. I was turned and met Scorpius' face. "Good! Now, practice every chance you get too and everyone will be ready for the Yule Ball." After she was done, I turned to Collin. 

"I would be delighted to Collin."

Fred's POV

Just ask her and get it done with. I shouted in my mind. I approached her in the hallway of the ship's hull. "Draevyn?" I asked. 

She turned around. "Yeah Fred?" 

"Uh, I'm glad to see you up on your feet." I said.

"Thank you." She replied. This was awkward for me.

"Uh, I stopped you to ask you something." I told her.

She smiled. "And that is?"

I swallowed. "Umm, wouldyougototheYuleBallwithme?" It all came out in a muddle.

"Uh, sorry Fred I didn't get that." Her face contorted with confusion.

I sighed. "Sorry. I was wondering if you would go to the ball with me?"

"Oh, Fred. I-I can't. Someone already asked me and I said yes. Sorry," Someone called her name. "Sorry I have to go now."

She ran off towards the voices and left me standing there.

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