Chapter Thirteen

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"So are you ready for the first task tomorrow?" asked Scorpius. 

"Actually no. How could I be? There's no way to prepare for it."  I said. Scorpius looked worried. "But, whatever it is, I'll kick its ass."

Scorpius smiled. "You do that Drae." he replied. "Now go to your room and get some sleep, you'll need it." He ruffled my hair and ran off to his friends. I was glad to have a caring brother like him, cool, calm, collected, mean, and over all things, sweet. 

I walked over to the ship and ignored everyone's comments and questions, especially the one's about Florin and Fred. 

In the safety of my room, I plopped down on the bed so I could sleep until supper, but it was hard for me. Why is life so complicated? It seems like every guy that I let be apart of my life become jerks. Finally after some disputes with myself, my eyes closed and I drifted to sleep.

"Draevyn! Get up! Your going to miss supper!" Molly came barging into the room. My eyelids drooped open and Molly yanked me out of bed. "Your hair looks awful!" she said gazing at me. "Fixus," she pointed her ruby red wand at my hair and it returned to normal.

"Thanks Molly," I said straightening my robes.

"No problem," She replied. "Now come on. Food!" Molly grabbed my wrist and pulled me all they way  to the Durmstrang hall to eat. 

Molly had over exaggerated when she said we would miss supper. We were some of the first people there. "Sorry Drae, I just wanted to be here early."

"Why exactly?" I asked her.

"Well, the Yule Ball is coming up soon and I wanted to make sure you had a date, since I'm already going with Derek." She smiled. 

I rolled my eyes. "Molly! Seriously? Why can't you let me do things on my own sometimes?" I laughed. "Besides, I'm a champion. Lots of guys will be asking me for the pleasure. Hopefully."

"Yes, hopefully. See, I was hoping that we could see all the guys that came in tonight and you could pick which one you liked best!" Molly giggled as she usually did. 

I sighed. "Fine." 

"Yay! Now sit down and watch the doors." She pulled me down into the seat. 

"Why are you so bossy to me?" I asked. 

She smirked. "Because I'm your friend and I love you like a sister." 

So until supper was served, Molly wrote down names of guys she thought that I would like. Some were Durmstrang boys and I was wondering how on Earth she knew their names. After awhile, I was barely staying awake. 

"What about Fred?" She asked, the first time that she ever asked my opinion for this.

"What?" I asked drowsy.

She laughed. "I said, 'What about Fred?'" 

After it sunk in my eyes grew wide, "What do you mean 'What about Fred?' He's just a friend." I said.

"Yeah, a friend that looks at you like your the only girl in the in the world. Whoops! wasn't supposed to say that. I'm gonna sit with my house."

"Molly!" She ran over to the Slytherin table. As if on cue, Fred came in the door. Oh great. I thought. 

Fred's POV

I saw Hugo and Lysander sitting together so I made my way towards them. "Hey Fred! Yourgirlfriend is in the Prophet." Hugo smirked while I sat down. 

"Shut up Hugo." I said.

"Hey I just said she was in the paper, nothing else."

"Yeah, sure you did." I replied sarcastically.

Lysander barged into the conversation, "Dude, your just sore cause she didn't give you an answer."

"No I'm not," I said.

"Well then, why are you like this?" asked Lysander.

I sighed. "Because believe it or not, I'm worried about her. The first task is tomorrow." After I blurted that out I regretted it. Both Hugo and Lysander gave out girlish "awes". "You guys are jerks," I said getting up. I saw where Draevyn was sitting so I decided to wish her luck before the task.

I sat down next to her. "Hey Draevyn, I just wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow."

Draevyn looked up from the table, her blue grey eyes staring into mine. "Thanks, you seem like the only person that will actually wish me luck. Oh, and, thank you for today. I knew someone had to punch Florin, I'm just sorry it wasn't me." 

"Yeah, no problem." I replied. I wanted to ask her to the Yule Ball so bad, but I couldn't find the right words.

The Next Day~

Draevyn's POV

All three of us were sitting in the tent, waiting to know what the first task was. A man came in. "Hello champions, sorry I haven't introduced myself." He took off the bowler hat that presided on his head to reveal a bald head. "I am Gonocla Hazari. I was sent from the Ministry to overlook the tournament." Gonocla put his hat back on. "Now. I bet you're all wondering what the first task is. We have brought three creatures from a specific part of Greenland, Brandishkits. We have strapped a box to each of their stomachs with a clue for the next task. They will protect it by all means neccesary. You must retrieve the box to move on." 

This sounds like a bad game show. I thought. "Miss Malfoy will go first." He added. 

"What!" I screamed. 

"Miss Malfoy, I don't make the rules. Do you have your wand?" asked Gonocla.

I gripped my wand in my pocket. It was a nine inch willow, with a pheonix feather core. "Yes." I nodded reassuringly.

"Good. At the sound of the cannon, you will face your Brandishkit." Gonocla went out of the tent. 

The cannon fired and I stepped out into the light.

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