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"C'mon MJ, I know we can have kids naturally, but-"

"No Peter, we aren't adopting a kid!" Mary Jane protested, tired of arguing with him. They had been having the same argument for weeks now like an old married couple, even though they had only been married for four years. They moved out of New York and into LA to escape crime fighting, so Peter thought it was the perfect place to raise a family.

"Please MJ?" Peter begged, flashing her his best puppy dog eyes lie he usually did when he wanted something.

"Will you stop pestering me if we at least looked at the orphanage?" She sighed in exasperation as she rubbed her face with her hands.

"About that subject, sure." Peter smirked, playfully batting at her long fiery red hair.

They both climbed into Peter's car and drove to the nearest orphanage, which was simply called LA Orphanage.

"Such a creative name, I wonder how long it took to come up with that." Peter remarked sarcastically, MJ lightly slapping him on the arm as they got out, having reached their destination.

The building was large and looked nice, but before they even walked inside, Peter noticed a kid sitting in a nearby alleyway, his clothes disgusting and extremely pale skin caked with dirt, his light brown hair greasy. Peter could clearly see his ribs protruding beneath the white t-shirt he was wearing. He looked to be about thirteen or fourteen.

"What's your name?" Peter knelt down in front of the kid. When he looked up, Peter was surprised to see that one eyes was sapphire blue while the other was a bright neon green.

"Sean, but I prefer to be called Jack." His face lit up in a smile. He had a light Irish accent that Mary Jane seemed excited about.

"How old are you?" Peter asked gently.

"I'm fourteen." He answered somewhat defensively.

"Do you live there?" Peter pointed over at the orphanage. Jack shook his head no.

"My parents came here on vacation with my seven other siblings and dumped me here since I was the youngest and they couldn't take care of all of us I guess." Jack shrugged, trying but failing to look nonchalant about being abandoned by his family.

"You're probably wondering about the different colored eyes, aren't ye?" Jack gestured at his green and blue eyes.

"You have heterochromia, right?" Peter asked. Jack nodded, seeming impressed that he knew.

"Sorry if I wasted your time, you guys are probably here to go look at the orphanage." Jack apologized, looking back down at the ground.

"We've already found a kid to adopt." Peter smiled.

"Oh, congratulations!" Jack mustered up what he hoped passed as a grin.

"No we haven't." Mary Jane hissed in Peter's ear.

"Do you have any possessions?" Peter stood back up.

Jack shook his head no. "Are you going to rob me?"

"No." Peter laughed, offering Jack a hand. "You're the kid I'm adopting."



Jack and MJ spoke at the same time, their expressions incredulous.

"C'mon, he doesn't even have an orphanage to stay in! Besides, he seems like a nice kid." Peter helped Jack off of the ground. It felt like he was lifting a feather.

"I guess we don't have to sign any paperwork then." Mary Jane rolled her eyes as she got back into the car.

"Welcome to the family Sean Parker." Peter winked, allowing Jack to climb into the back of the car before he got into the driver's seat and drove back home.

Four years later

"Jack, you have to get up for school!" Peter shouted from downstairs.

"Already awake." Jack bounded down the stairs, his bright green hair flopping in front of his black rectangular framed glasses as he gratefully took the mug of coffee offered to him by Mary Jane. He was dressed casually in a bright blue hoodie, blue jeans, and tennis shoes.

"For an eighteen year old, you have the energy and mindset of a pre-schooler." Peter rolled his eyes from where he was sitting at the table drinking his coffee while reading the news on his phone.

"Did you even get any sleep, or did you stay up all night playing video games again?" Mary Jane looked over at Jack as she handed him a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with bacon.

"Sleep is for the weak!" He declared as he drenched his stack of pancakes in syrup before digging in. It was the first day of school, and the first time his parents were not homeschooling him. Instead, they were making him go to Los Angeles High School since it was his senior year and they wanted him to experience what a public school was like.

"What time is the bus coming?" Jack checked the time on his phone. It was five-twenty.

"Five minutes." Peter stated, snorting in amusement as he watched Jack's eyes widen in surprise as he shoveled the rest of his food into his mouth, washing it down with the rest of his coffee as he scrambled towards the bathroom to brush his hair and teeth.

"It comes in ten minutes." Mary Jane lightly slapped Peter's arm.

"I know, it was just funny to see him panic." Peter laughed as Jack strode by, sticking his tongue out of him before going back to getting ready for school.

After a couple of minutes, Jack waved goodbye to his parents as he shouldered his black backpack and ran onto the bus, picking a seat closer towards the back by a window. As the bus drove off, Jack stared out at his house until it became a black dot in the distance, wondering what his first day of school would be like.

It didn't take long for him to find his answer.

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