Welcome to Hell (School)

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"Class, I'd like you to welcome Sean Parker, this is his first year at a public school." The teacher for Jack's math class announced as Jack entered the room, a bit late since he had gotten lost on the way.

"What's wrong with his eyes?" A kid blurted out in the back of the class, earning a few snickers from other classmates and a disapproving glare from the teacher.

Jack felt a twinge of hurt as he took his seat in the front row of the class, listening attentively to the teacher while she gave the class a lecture about the rules.

"Teacher's pet." Jack heard someone whisper behind him.


"Four eyes."



Jack had heard about a total of twenty insults just in the first half of the day before lunch, although he wasn't sure why. What had he done wrong? He didn't even know anybody's name.

"Ew, you can't sit here septic eye." A kid shoved Jack away from the lunch table he was about to sit at, making him drop his tray of food.

"What, you gonna cry septic eye?" Another kid teased him, kicking him behind the knees so he fell to the ground.

"Please leave me alone." Jack whispered, his voice barely audible. A crowd had started gathering, anxious for a fight.

A fight never started.

"Leave him alone." A kid with red hair pushed through the crowd, helping Jack stand.

"What's your name?" The kid asked.

"My name's Sean, but you can call me Jack." He held up a hand for the kid to high five.

"I'm Mark." The kid smiled, giving Jack a high five.

"Welcome to Los Angeles High School."

"Everyone here seems so welcoming." Jack rolled his eyes, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You get used to it." Mark shrugged, guiding Jack over to his table after walking with him to get another tray.

A boy with curly dark brown hair was already sitting there, as well as a girl with blond hair and another girl with caramel brown hair tied up in a messy bun on the top of her head. She had glasses on as well that were similar to Jack's, her attention focused on the sketchbook in front of her and her pencil poised in the air.

"Hey, I'm Tyler." The boy introduced himself with a wave.

"I'm Amy." The girl with blond hair smiled warmly.

"That's Signe." Mark gestured at the girl drawing. She waved without even looking up.

"Um, not to be rude, but-"

"Let me guess, what's wrong with my eyes?" Jack interrupted Tyler with a  huff of irritation, tired of everyone making fun of them.

"Sorry, I was just curious." Tyler flinched back as if expecting Jack to hit him.

"It's fine, I have heterochromia." Jack explained wearily.

"Who's he?" Signe finally looked up from her drawing at Jack for the first time since he sat down.

"I'm Jack." Jack introduced himself.

"Signe." She smiled before returning her attention back to her drawing.

"That looks amazing." Jack remarked, peering over her shoulder.

"Thanks." Her cheeks blushed a light red hue.

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