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Mark tried to ignore the student's murmuring around him as he ran outside under the cover of the confusion.

Apparently he wasn't the only person to have the same idea.

Amy, Tyler, Ethan, Signe, and Kathryn were waiting by Mark's car, somehow knowing that he would be leaving.

"We want to help." Signe explained, her expression determined.


"He's our friend too!" Amy protested.

"Fine, I can fit three people in the car." Mark sighed in reluctance, climbing into the drivers seat. Amy hopped in beside him, Tyler and Ethan sitting in the back while Signe and Kathryn got in Signe's car.

"Where are we going?" Amy asked as the car started with a roar before it quieted down to a soft hum.

"I'll check his house first, then go from there." Mark peeled out of the parking lot with Signe and Kathryn following behind him.

Mark ran up to the door, leaving his friend's waiting in the car as he quickly knocked on the door.

"What do you want?" Peter opened the door a crack.

"Is Jack here?" Mark asked urgently, trying to look around Peter inside the house.

"No, he's at school. You and your friends should be there too." Peter started to close the door.

"He's in trouble." Mark blurted.

Peter froze, his eyebrows furrowing as he opened the door a little wider.

"He got really mad at me and then his eyes turned black before he disappeared." Mark continued.

Peter silently walked further into the house, Mark practically running after him to catch up. Peter stopped in a messy metallic looking room with test tubes, papers, and other science equipment littering the counters and floor.

"Jack was in here." Peter mumbled, a hint of irritation as well as worry in his tone.

"What's this?" Mark pointed at a broken test tube lying on the counter by a Bunsen burner. It was filled with a gooey black substance that moved as if it had a mind of it's own.

"Part of Venom I've been studying..." Peter trailed off, looking at one of the papers. He picked it up, the word  "Anti" scrawled in blood.

"Jack's in trouble." Peter turned on his heel and walked towards the furthest back wall. On it was a couple of scanners and a keypad. Peter scanned his eye and finger before typing in a code on the keypad. A part of the wall sank into the floor with a hiss.

Lying beyond the door was the Spiderman suit Iron Man had custom made for him all those years ago during the fight between Captain America and him. He had sworn to never wear it again to avoid the guilt of sending Captain America and his friends into jail and so he could peacefully raise a family with MJ. Yet here he was, looking at it for the first time in a long time.

Peter opened the glass display case by punching in another code on the keypad beside the case, causing the glass to pop as it unlocked. Peter swung it open and step inside, the suit opening up and enveloping him as he turned around. The white diamond shaped eyes made a mechanical whir as they refocused, shrinking a little in size.

"Lets go." Peter instructed, jogging out of the house and shooting webbing up against the side of a tall building to pull him into the sky.

"Is that Jack's dad?" Tyler gaped in awe as he stared at his retreating form.

"Yeah. We need to get more help, I'm not sure how strong Jack is or what he's capable of now." Mark ran a hand through his faded red hair in exasperation.

"He's on top of the US bank tower." Mark heard a voice say behind him. He whirled around to see his dad fully clad in his uniform, the shield glinting in the light.

"Your dad's Captain America?!?" Amy gasped.

"Nice to meet you Amy, Mark's said a lot about you." Steve smiled as Mark's face burned the same color as his hair in embarrassment.

"My dad absolutely worships you, he has a bunch of your trading cards he's always wanted you to sign." Amy rambled.

"I can't wait to meet him, but right now we kinda have a big issue on our hands." Steve reminded her.

"Anything that's flown up to him has been brought down by some kind of black substance and the elevator's broken, so we gotta go up the old fashioned way." Steve explained as they climbed into his van he had brought.

"That could take hours!" Ethan pointed out.

"I hope you've been working hard in gym class then." Steve stomped on the pedal, causing the van's tires to spin wildly with a loud screeching sound before they were propelled forward towards the tower.

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