Chapter 1

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Come on Andy you can make it!  Can't be late for dinner tonight or:

"You are grounded for all of eternity."

As if my mom could ground me for that long--its not like I'll live forever. I panted in quick breaths, the sun beating down on my head even as I flew past the neighborhood cat, Reed.

I rushed around the corner and my house, a bright blue, one story structure came into sight. Sighing in relief, I jogged up the steps.

After a few furious moments of struggling to get my keys in the door, I finally unocked it and opened the door. For some reason the doorway was extremely dark--

 "HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY!!!" A shout from a bunch of familiar faces nearly gave me a heart attack. Everyone laughed at my expression and there were a few snap shots.

I pressed a hand to my chest. "Oh dear God."

More laughter, then hugs and wishes of a good birthday. After a few minutes the face that I really wanted to see walked through the crowd and hugged me.

"Happy sweet sixteen, darling." My mom kissed my forehead.

 "Mommmm you'll embarrass me in front of my friends." I said teasingly, smiling and hugging her back.

"Thank you mom." I whispered.

 "Happy sweet sixteen bestie." My friend Kayln began to throw her arms around me, then gasped and looked me up and down.

"What?" I looked at my clothes. Oh, that's right. I had been helping Mrs.Weaver (who waved at me from the corner, sipping punch with her garden.

I was wearing ripped jeans, and a bleach stained YMCA t shirt. Not your ideal party wear. Kayln clapped her hands loudly.

"Good evening everyone. Andy loves the party and will be back shortly." My mom looked confused.

Kayln pulled my mom over and whispered, "Wardrobe malfunction. My mom looked at me with renewed intrest.

"Oh, gods yes. Just call me if you need my help." She waved us off, ignoring my pleading expression and leaving me at the mercy of my fashionista best friend.

 We walked through the hallway and up the stairs. They'd really done a number with the decorations. There were colorful streamers and balloons everywhere.

 It looked like a rainbow exploded  in our house. I smiled to myself. Thanks, mom. 

Once we were in my bedroom, the sounds of the party muted by the shut door, I sat in front of my vanity set. All of my make up (unused) and jewelery were out.

I looked at my best fried accusingly. "You were going to use all this even if I hadn't been gardening."

She grinned impishly. "Guilty as charged. Come on, Andy. Humor me."

I rolled my eyes, but agreed. Kayln squealed as I nodded my assent. "Awesome! Okay you sit there and I'll pick out a dress." Kayln went  to my closet.

While she rummaged around, I looked in the mirror. I was what an average teen looked like. I had dark brown hair that stopped at my shoulders, and muddy brown eyes.

My skin was quite fair, but just like every average teen of course I had acne. A few zits here and there.

 I poked my face. I wasn't one to really wear makeup, but tonight I'd make an exception. 

"Okay Andy, this dress and these shoes." She held up a strapless red cocktail mini with a lacy black bottom. She was also holding black heels to match.

I grimaced. My mom had bought that during a sale. I'd promptly shoved it behind the sea of jeans and graphic tees. "Do I have to?"

"Yes! Now get dressed!" She shoved me toward my bathroom.

A couple minutes or tugging and pulling and scowling later, I walked out of the bathroom, heels in hand--best prolong the experience. Kayln was sitting where I had been before and looking in the mirror. She has blonde hair and pretty green eyes.

Kayln was as beautiful on the inside than she was on the out. One of the reason's she is my best friend.

She was applying some eyeliner when she noticed me in the mirror. She promptly dropped the little bottle, grinning as she stood up and made a loud whistling noise. I rolled my eyes but twirled for her.

"Honey, you're gonna have to beat the men off." She beamed, then pushed me down into the chair. "Okay quick hair and make up." I sat down and looked in the mirror while she worked on me.

When she was done I did look like a super model--I also felt like one. "Okay, whatever you do, don't cry. I know you're finally sixteen and its an emotional night, but if you cry your mascara will run  then I'd have to kill you on your birthday." she laughed. "Then I'll be the bad guy."

"And I'll be the dead guy. Or girl." We both laughed.

 We walked down the stairs. "Here she is!" Kayln whooped. She grabbed my hand and helped me down the last two stairs. (Thank god, I was completely certain I was going to fall flat on my face tonight.)

Just when I felt comfortable to walk, Dancing Queen came on.

"Ooh my song is on let's dance!" Kayln towed me to the middle of the living room. We danced and twirled until the song was over.

I looked up and saw that everyone was watching. I blushed and they clapped. I was having such a good time.

It  was quite the turn out. There were people from school and the neighborhood.

In school I was never very popular, but since it's summer ranks don't really matter anymore. If there is one thing my mom can do it is throw a party.

She'd hooked up the surround sound system to the stereo and we listened to most of the latest hits. She'd bought all of the junk food you could think of.pent the rest of the night thanking people for coming and dancingand having the time of my life. There

She even made us drinks (virgin of course).

This would be a party I would never forget. I looked around at all of the guests.

It looked like they were enjoying the party as much as I was. In the end we gathered in the kitchen, and sang happy birthday.

I even got my favorite type of cake, vanilla with strawberry filling. I blew out my candles. My only wish was to have a bigger stomach for more cake.

Everyone was full of cake and junk food. It's started getting late, and the crowd started thinning. Soon the only ones left were My mom, me and Kayln.

For such a big party I was surprised at what little trash was left. We cleaned up the little messes left behind.

 "Hey mom can Kayln spend the night?" I looked at her with my biggest puppy dog eyes.

 "Come on Andy you know I can't resist those." she looked away.

 "If its fine with her mom then its fine with me." 

 "Yesss!" we did our secret handshake.

 After cleaning I drooped upstairs. I changed my clothes, and crawled in bed. Kayln ploppedd down next to me.

 I looked over and she was already sleeping.

 My mom knocked on my door then entered. She stroked my cheek "Get some rest birthday girl."

  "I love you mom." She got up and turned off the light.

 "I love you more."


I woke up with the taste of cake still on my mouth. I yawned and looked at my alarm clock.

 Wow. 1:30 PM. Talk about sleeping in. I rolled over.

 Kayln was still sound asleep. I got up and began brushing my teeth.

 I rinsed, and washed my face. I dryed it off and looked in the mirror.  "Oh my god!"  I touched my face in disbelief.

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