Chapter 3: Warmth

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You place the wine glass into your other hand, so that you can properly meet Dan's handshake. His warm palm complimenting your apparently cold one. You introduce yourself as your eyes fall upon his, a sense of security seems to flood your body... Is this what they mean by the 'zing'?

Before your cheeks get the chance to fill up into a ruby red colour, and the moment too awkward, you let go of each other's hands. Yours almost instantly feels colder- WiErD.

"It's so nice to see someone else actually looking around the exhibit" he exclaims, looking to you with genuine appreciation. You can't help but smile back at him, "How can you be in here and ignore everything around you? I mean, over there is a t-rex skull" his eyes are wide and bright as he gestures around him, you take a sip of your wine and contemplate how this guy is acting like an excited puppy right in front of you, "and there, there is a piece of amber- Jurassic Park was made on this stuff!"

"Yeah, it literally was" you remark half joking. He catches on that you're slightly teasing him, but looks relieved that you understood the whole Jurassic Park reference, and starts to subconsciously smile at you. "I'm glad that they didn't ruin the original with Jurassic World though. I was worried, but they actually pulled it off."

He nods in appreciation, "I totally agree! I'm not a fan of reboots."

"Oh same! Once things have finished, they should be left alone.... Although, I'm kinda excited about the new series of Twin Peaks?" You look to him trying to gage his opinion, taking a sip of wine out of awkwardness, hoping that he has at least heard of the program.

He looks at you in near disbelief, before he breaks out into a huge smile, "Twin Peaks?"

"Yeah? The David Lynch tv program?" You're confused and his goofy smile isn't helping.

"It is possibly my favourite show- ever!"



Your pretty sure that there must be something wrong with this guy. He is certainly good looking, kind hearted, and even into the same cult tv shows as you?!

"Well woah! Are you excited about the new series then? I've heard some pretty interesting things about it.", You hoped that you sounded as intrigued as you really were, and that your slight monotone didn't get in the way- although you could feel yourself smiling.

"Yeah! I mean how are they going to deal with Cooper after what happened in the black lodge? And-" You notice that he has taken a more relaxed position, his feet aren't tapping to a silent beat anymore. But you can't get over his eyes and how they seem to convey every emotion. You are totally falling for this guy that you met literally a moment ago.

"I also have about five possible ideas for what happened to Audrey... which I won't bore you with right now-" he smirked, looking towards the ground as though he was annoyed at himself for getting so excited. Then he picked himself up, looking all around the room, finally fixing his gaze on you- "because, we are at the natural history museum... and there are dinosaurs literally surrounding us.... And I also thought it would be nice to find out more about you- other than the fact that you have excellent taste in television."

"Well, thank you." You move towards the side of the balcony, looking over the crowds of people down below, to try your best to hide the fact that you are blushing.

Dan grins, moving so he is stood next to you. He takes a moment to observe the people below before asking you the oh so original question- "So what brings you here tonight, work or pleasure?"

"Both? My boss couldn't make it, so he gave me and my colleague his spare tickets. Nearly didn't make it here though... cause Netflix?"

Dan started laughing, "Ahhh I wish I could say that I haven't been in that position before, but I have, on several occasions. Where is your colleague then?"

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