Chapter 8: Down The Rabbit Hole

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You had been checking the little clock in the bottom corner of your desktop screen for the past hour. It currently read 12:23, and lunch break at the office didn't officially start until 1pm. Strangely enough, you hadn't really been able to focus properly on your work all day. It's not like today was the day that you were meeting Dan for your lunch date or anything.

When you had made attempts to be productive on your assignment, the words and images on the screen blurred together to create a headachy mess. Although whenever your eyes fell to the corner of the screen the clock happened to be in clear focus.

It now read 12:25.

To save yourself from another half hour of anxious torture, you decide to slip out for your lunch break early. Making sure you had turned off the computer and hadn't forgotten your phone; you make a brisk exit to the lifts, hoping to slip out of the office undetected. Not wanting to have to come up with another lie to appease Oliver.

As if some higher power was looking out you, there was a lift literally waiting for you, like a classy chauffeur, ready for you to escape in. You glide into the lift, as though you had expertly choreographed this escape, and your index finger beats upon the button that would take you to the ground floor. As the doors close in front of you, and you feel the soft dip in gravity as the metal box makes its descent, you can't help but smile like a goddamn Cheshire Cat- The universe wants this to happen.

Pulling your phone from your bag, you send the text to Dan telling him that you were on your way. You decide to keep your phone in the clutch of your hand, so you don't stupidly miss his reply again. It wasn't until you were making your way out of the building's big glass doors and onto the pedestrian filled street that you felt your phone vibrate in your hand.

'Awesome. I'll be there in twenty!'

A couple of butterflies suddenly start to flap around in your stomach, but you were still riding on the high from your expert escape to let it bother you too much. Putting your phone back into your bag, you then start walking in the direction of Sevendials. 

You had already decided that you weren't going to deal with the tube. Not wanting the added anxiety of being crammed in between a crowd of strangers. Luckily the skies in London were blue, and not as grey and as miserable as every stereotype would tell you, making the walk down the old paved streets quite pleasant.


The café came into view at the end of the street, its mug shaped sign swaying in the breeze, and your feet seemed to slow down to a snail's pace. It hadn't taken as long as you had hoped it would have to get there, and now the thought of imminently meeting Dan was starting to freak you out. It had all seemed so great when you were planning it, the idea of meeting him again was great. But realising that you were actually going to see him shocked your suspicious socially anxious self into overdrive. This could all still be a trap. Your Cheshire Cat happiness completely transformed into white rabbit like madness (except you hardly cared about being late).

Your feet unconsciously grind to a halt, as though your rational conscious had just been thrown off a bridge by your annoying anxious inner demon. You move over to the old brick wall lining the street, leaning back against it, trying to resurrect the wonderland like excitement of seeing Dan. Rummaging through your bag you find your phone. There was a message from him;

'I'm here. Found a space near the back. See you in a bit.'

It had come through four minutes ago. He was literally a hundred meters away waiting to see your face. God, you hated how ridiculous you were being.

Fortunately, it appeared that your rational conscious had not been murdered by your anxious inner demon. Instead it was clinging by its fingertips at the bridge's edge. You threw your phone back into your bag, rising from your Morrissey like stance against the aged industrial building; giving your rational self the hand that it needed to be saved. Everything was going to be okay. And as your converse fashioned feet started to make their way towards the café, you made sure you pushed the suspicious anxious bitch off the damn bridge, not wanting her to ruin what could be a great moment for you.


Your hands meet with the cold metal of the coffee shop's door, pushing it open you step inside, instantly bombarded by the intoxicating smell of espresso. Although that didn't distract your eyes from taking any longer than two seconds to find Dan in amongst the collection of strangers. He was sat in a hipster style armchair, his arm leaning against one of the rests, as he stared intently at his phone. It looked as though he was reading something interesting, well that's what you could make from the narration of his expressive eyebrows.

He looked about as perfect as you remember him being, his hair still an unruly masterpiece. You felt like you were observing a painting at the Tate, only to be caught completely off guard when you saw his blue eyes fleetingly dart from his phone towards you. Embarrassment instantly warmed your cheeks, you felt like an awkward creep, your brain instantly formulating a way to apologise for its attraction. But all sentences fell apart as he looked back down towards his phone. 

Had he not seen you? Or had he completely forgotten what you looked like? Shit. It was now going to be your turn to awkwardly announce your presence, just like he had the night you met.

But his eyes shot straight back up at you and a gracious smile illuminated his face. God, did it make you feel special. All suspicious thoughts disappeared from your brain, as you found peace in his handsome actions, being too human like for their corporate nonsense.

He stood up out of his chair, putting his phone into the back of his jean pocket. You walked over towards him, stopping at the right time to leave a comfortable distance between the both of you.

"Hi." The smile hadn't yet dropped from this face, and his warm tone of voice melted any chances of you running away again.

"Hi," you felt the Cheshire Cat grin blossoming again on your face "sorry I'm late."

You didn't know whether you should hug him or give him a handshake or what. But as you noticed his long arms start to rise, you knew the decision was made for you.

The hug was simple and sweet, perfect for the occasion. "No, don't worry, its fine." He mumbled, as you noticed how his worn denim jacket perfectly complimented his eyes, wondering what your brown ones looked like against your black top.

"Are you hungry?" You ask, or rather your stomach did. Distracting yourself from becoming the staring creep again.

"Yes," he admits smiling, "and I'm need of a coffee. The smell is hypnotising."

You laugh at his all so recognisable reasoning. "Should we go and order then?" You reply, motioning towards the counter at the front of the shop.

"Sure." He gestures his hand out in front of himself, as though he is pushing a crowd of invisible people aside to let you make your way towards the counter.

And as you walked towards the counter you felt as though there was an invisible crowd cheering for you. Like your life was a sitcom, and the audience had just witnessed their favourite OTP share a scene full of romantic tension.


*Wow, so I went a bit fluffy at the end there. I guess this is another filler chapter. You'll have to wait till the next part to see what happens on your date!

I'd also like to thank you all for reading, and I hope that you are enjoying the book (even with its slow progress)

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