Chapter Four

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Noah observed as Cain walked away, his tall lush back making its way through the crowd of grinding guests, making a swift right before disappearing to a little corridor till he was out of sight.

Oh god thought Noah, what the hell did I do? I gave him my number!? I don't even know him, what if he doesn't call me? What if he's some albeit hot psycho who has a weird fetish?!! Oh fuck fuck fuck...

"NOAAAAH, I've been shouting your name for ages, don't ignore me, I know I left you bu..." pulled out of his thoughts, he registered A to his left shaking him before coming to stand in front of him with a concerned look on her face

"Noe? You okay? was he?

"Oh god A, I just gave this guy my number! My freaking number!

"What, when, okay calmed down and tell me" she squealed with a grin on her face what? Why is the she devil happy for? He could be a nut for all we know... exhaling he carried on.

"I was looking around for you, and I saw you; so I started walking in your direction, tripped fell on my ass because of these damn shoes you picked!, got back up again and then tripped again only to have like Adonis himself save me" cutting him off she squealed.

"Who's this hunk? I knew this party would find you someone, hell yeah.. what's his name, tell me"

Grabbing the blonds shoulders to steady her he said

"A its Cain, as in the fighter guy this parties for... you know the one they call "animal"?! And then he had to leave cause of his up tight manager or whatever! And said okay and then...

"Oh god he wouldn't let me go and then, then he said baby and oh my god he kissed before he left. and I didn't stop it! I'm one of those harlot's Anna... A HARLOT."

People around were eyeing the two of them as Noah started to raise his voice, his little 'melt down' had people staring at them with accused looks.

Anna just gave them the mind your own damn business eyes, turning back to her friend she eyed him for a second, letting what he had said just sink in before she spoke.

"Noe" she said, grabbing him into a large bear hug his little brunette head crushed between her chest and chin, gently swaying him until he was hugging her back just as hard.

Pushing back a little to see his face but still holding him she said"lets get one thing straight you are not nor ever will be a harlot, so what you kissed him, it's not like you did anything else."

"Secondly why wouldn't you want to give him your number mister? He saved your cute little tush from falling, he stayed with you and he seems nice right?.

Noah nodded at this

"Well I don't see the problem sweetie, don't let his reputation ruin this for you, from what I've heard from my boss he's not like other fighters Noe, he fights the fight, but that it, everything else people don't know, he's a private person there's nothing wrong with that...

"besides he's HOT as sin. Jesus noe you need to give him a chance."

Looking at her grinning face, Noah realised she was right. Cain wasn't the person he thought he would be from his looks alone, he was nice and gentle and if Noah was being honest he really did want to know more about him and god that kiss was soft and drove him crazy just remembering it sent a slight shudder through his body dammit.

Clearing his throat Noah agreed "ye-ah, I think I will see him again he just needs to call".

"Don't worry babe he will! Until then let's go home, I'm done for tonight and I definitely don't want to hand around with all the crazies here... well get pizza before we go back to yours, yeah"

"yeah sounds good to be A, oh I've got those cookies we can eat too!" grinning she grabbed his hand to make it out of the apartment, with Noah's wondering mind on a certain MMA fighter.


Walking away from the little brunette wasn't something that Cain wanted, no he wanted to dance and talk some more to enjoy his party.

But no a certain manager had to go and ruin it.

Making his way into the private room he shut the door behind to see both Jess and D sitting on separate sofas,

"About time Cain, it took you long enough" muttered jess as Cain sat down on the opposite seat

"yeah well I was bit busy".

"Well now that you're un-busy, you can decide what you want to do about this next fight" queried jess,

"Whoever it is, it's a yes, there hasn't been anyone in this division who I can't fight jess, so set it up" snapped Cain.

"It's from Austin's camp Cain". Cain just stared what? This couldn't be right.

"What? Is this some kind of sick joke? He thinks he can ask me, fucking ME?! for a fight" sneering at the thought he added "I'll crush that cocky shit, set it up je"

butting in she said "lets talk about this Cain lets..."

"NO. set it up Jess, I never back from a fight, not from a fucking snake like Austin you do your job and I'll do mine" standing up to let her know his minds made up.

"I'll make sure that bastards sorry.. for even asking for this match".

Sighing Jess looked at him with an expression he couldn't quite understand, worry mixed with understanding? As quick as it came it was gone and the red head stood up to leave the room before adding

"I'll do it Cain, but you better keep your emotions in check it's a fight" and with that she left.

"I hope you know what you doing Cain, it'll kill her if you get hurt again, remember last time?"

"I know what I'm doing D, you of all people should understand, I will not back down from that fucker, he wants this fight, I'll make sure he never forgets it."

Placing a hand on Cain's shoulder D gave a small squeeze

"do what you need, I'm here when you need us princess" chuckling at that weird ass nickname Cain, gave him a firm nod before he also left.

Resigning himself to the sofas once again, Cain ran his hands over his face, frustrated, confused and so fucking mad, why was Austin asking for his fight? After what he did... he has the balls to do this? Well motherfucker, you've got yourself a fight and you better be ready.

Still frustrated, Cain needed a drink, the only time when he's regime allows him to have the odd drink, and he made his way over to large drinks cart near the glass window.

Checking out what on offer, he found what he was looking for ah there you are old friend.

Pouring himself a large scotch before something out the window caught his eyes, a little brunette man leaving hand in hand with a tall petite blonde, reaching with his free hand he felt the card in his shirt pocket, grinning at the sight he thought hmm baby what should I do with you?


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