Chapter 3

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Phoebe's POV

Me and Joe have been searching and searching for a camera.

"Joe do you think I will ever find a camera?" I shy

"Sure you will, we still haven't seen that best buy down the hill" she try's calming me down.

"Ok" I took a deep breath

We walked down the hill a went to the camera section.

I seen many kinds of cameras today.

"What kind or camera are you looking for again?" she asks

"A Canon 400D" I say

"Well guess what?" she stutters

"What!" I ask

"I found one!" she screams

"Oh my god really!?" I shout

"Yes" I run over to her

I look at it,

"It so beautiful" I whisper ,I pretend to cry.

"Go get a damn employee before I murder somebody! We spent a hour and a half looking for this!" Joe says

"Ok" I say eagerly

I speed walk a found this old lady she had a blue shirt and black pants and her shirt says 'employee'.

"Uumm ma'am can I get this camera in the glass case?" I ask politely

"sure" she says

I see Joe on her phone.

"Hey Joe" I say ,the little old lady still following me.

"Hey Be" she says

"Be?" I ask

"My nick name for you Be" she smiles

"Oh ok I love it" I hug her

the lil old lady opened the case.

"Which one do you want?" she asks

"The Canon 400D please and thank you" I say

We walk to the cash register,

she scanned it in

"You will have a 2 year warranty on it ok?" she says

"Ok" I agree

We payed for and then Joe asked

"Hey how much money do you have left?"

"Uh one thousand dollars" I say

"Girl you should buy a phone!" she says

"Uh ok" I say

"Well come on!"she yells we run back into the store.

"So what kind of phone do you want?" she asks

"Umm I don't know, Im knew with all this crap!" I yell.

"A I phone?" She asks

"Sure" I say

"What generation?" she asks

"The newest one? I don't know" I shyly say

"Ok" she runs off to get someone to get one out of the case.

We payed for it, we have like 40 more minuets till we have to go back.

"Want to go get lunch or something" I ask

"Not really" she says

"Fine I'll just get something to go and eat it later because I don't want to eat the nasty food they have for us " I say
I get a sandwich form subway
My fav!

We finally got back at the hall,

"We're 10 minutes early" I chant

"It's better then being 10 minuets late" she says sarcastic.

"Yeah it is" I agree

"So what to set up your new phone?" she asks

"Yes!" I say cheerfully

It took the hole night for us to set up the phone after we did, we fooled around with it such as taking a lot of funny photos, videos and played a hole bunch of games such as Flappy Bird oh god that got me and Joe worked up, Joe got really mad and then she some got food then Joe yelled at Claire (the Main lady) and then Clair told Joe that she can not attend adoption day.
Joke didn't care, I did.

"Joe why doesn't that bug you?" I whisper

"Because I don't give one shit if i get sold" she yells at me

Then storms out of my reach.

"The fucks is wrong with her?" I whisper to myself

I go in my room and Kelly was in there

"Hey Kelly" I wave
"Hey, where were you today? Did you go out? what did you get? Did you get anything for me?" She rambled on and on.
"I went out, I got a phone and a camera and sorry I didn't get anything for you sorry next time" I shrug.
"Oh btw Jason and Joey are looking for ya" she says
(Btw Jason is not Jason TrueMU no, and I know Joey sounds like Joey Graceffa or BigMadManPig no it's not ok)
"Oh ok did they say what for?" I ask
"Nope they just said tell Phoebe to come over" she imitates
I walk out of the room then peaked my head in the room
"Btw call me Bee" I whisper
"Well bye Bee" she waves I smiled

1 hour later

"Holy crap It's almost nine I better get back to my dorm" I say nervously
"Baaii Phoebe" Joey and Jason waved
"Baaii see you at adoption day tomorrow" I wave back
"Oh yeah hey" Jason says
"Yep oh yeah can you call be Be?" I ask
"Oh my fuck I love it ok you better good or Clair will tell you can't attend adoption day" Joey says
"Ok for realz Baaii" I say

I run back to the dorm.
"You ever lucky just in the nick of time" Kelly looks up from her magazine
"I know right ha" i say catching my breath
I quickly put on my pjs and go right to bed
"We have a big day tomorrow" I whisper to Kelly
"Shut up I'm trying to sleep dip shit" she says half asleep
Oh how I love Kelly.

I close my eyes then fall a sleep.

Adams POV

"Dawn come on it's getting late you need to go to bed we have a big day tomorrow" I ask
"Adam I'm fine on the couch. Plus my show is going to be over in a hour and I think I will fall asleep" she stutters
"Dawn? Is there something you need to tell me?" I ask
"No Adam! There's nothing I need to fucking tell you!" She yells
"Fine" I mutter

Nothing can bring me down right know because I can not wait till I get my little girl.

I fell asleep.

{don't know how to end it :p}









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