Chapter 5

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Hey sorryy that i changed the title and shit but it seems like shes just

getting adopted by adam thanks now read on

Phoebes POV

"Oh please I sure you will"I say

"I think we should go know " he smiles

"Ok I have to get my bags" I smile

Adams POV

After signing 1 billion papers, I am officially a parent.

I see Bee walking down the hall, Dawn looks at me and then smiled I smiled back.

Bee huged me and whisperd in my ear

"Thanks for adopting me"

"Anything for you Bee"I say with a little grin.

we release from our hug, "sorry Adam but my friend Jason wants to meet you" she points to the boy next to her.

"Hey Im Jason and I would like to thank you becasue you, because you alway made Bee smile when I wasn't there for her, and I think you are really funny" he explains

"aww your welcome,and if you don't mind if I hug you?" I ask

then Jason just ran up to me and hugged me,

"Okay I think we should go now" Dawn rudely interrupted

(Dawn is not this rude IRL well I don't think)

"But Dawn" I whine

"Come on Adam and Phoebe" she says ,walking to the door

"Adam not to be mean or anything but why is she like that?" Bee asks

"I have no idea shes been like that for three days know" I explain

"Okay bye Jason" Bee waves

"Bye Bee bye Adam" Jason waves

"Bye Jason" I yell

The car ride was akward and long, I hope Dawn isnt like this all the time with Bee and all I think that will just mess her up even more, she all ready had a hard life at that hell.


Phoebes POV

We pulled up to this lovely house from the looks of it its pretty huge.

"Bee were home" Adam says with his loud voice, Dawn just opened the dor and walked in the house,

I'm starting to get second thoughts on this Dawn girl she seem like she hidding something

yes I am a master at knowing when someone is hidding something because Joe and Jason did this to me a lot and I did it a lot.

Adam grabbed my bags and we headed inside,

"It looks way bigger from outside " I say

"Everyone says that" he smiles

"Why are there boxes laying around? It look to me like your moving " i ask

"I was going to tell you later on but all the boxes laying around kinda gives it way, but where going to be living in LA with Team crafted!d And Tyler (Logdotzip)" he yells

"Hoy shit thats great" I squeal

"I think we have to move in 3 weeks or 2 weeks I don't know" Adam says

So im going to be living with Team crafted and Tyler you can't forget Tyler

"Bee due to the moveing you dont have a bed room yet so you can either sleep in my room or the sofa" he explains

"What about Dawn?" I ask

"She took the guest room" he sighs

"Oh, it doesn't matter" I shrug

"Ok it's sealed you will sleep in my bed" he smiles.

(i know i know creepy)

Adams POV

Dawn, what's up with Dawn? God I wish I knew its kids driving me crazy.

I walk to the end of the hall to Dawns room, I reach for the door knob but I hear her talking to someone on the phone.

"Did you tell him yet?"-?

"No but I think umm going to tell him tonight so..."-Dawn

I open the door with so much rage.

"What where you going to tell me?" I yell

"Nothing" she stuttered

"I heard to talking to someone on the phone you where saying you were going to tell me something!" I yell

"Fine! I cheated on you!" she yells

No word where processing.

"Get out Dawn" I whisper

"What about all my shit!" she yells

"You can get it when me and Bee leave to LA!" yell

"What about.." she goes on.

"Get out Dawn!" I yell

Phoebes POV

I heard Adam and Dawn fighting.

Dawn walks out of the house angrily.

Adam was sitting in the hall way with his face in his palms, I walk over to him.

"What happened Adam?" I ask

"She cheated on me" he sobbed quietly

"Want a hug?" I ask

Me nods

15 minutes into our hug, he wipes his tears way and says

"I should start packing up my clothes and stuff so we can leave tomorrow" he sniffs

"But what are you going to do with your other tickets?" I ask

"Give them back and then ask for a flight for tomorrow" he gets up from the floor

"What if the flight is at 12 am" I ask

"I don't care as long as we leave here ASAP" he says

I nod






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