Chapter 15

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(if you don't like anything due to mental illness then I suggest you leave)

Phoebes POV

I messed up so bad omfg

(5 hours later)

Why couldn't my dumb ass wear pants ugh.
I walk to my private bathroom and graded my razor and mashed it and I took it apart.
I stared at the sharp prices of blades then took it to my thighs.
luckily no one came in it was 4 in the morning.
I hate sleepless nights.
I watch the blood drip down my thigh.
after half hour of watching the freshly new cuts bleed I cleaned up everything. I hid my new blades in the bottom of my tissue box.
I curl up in my blankets and I drift off in the to a light sleep.
(now wearing PJ pants)

I was woken up to Adam wake me up for school.
"Bee wake up it time for school!" he sounds so cheerful
I felt like I was going to throw up.
"Adam," "I feeling sick can I stay home please?" I beg
"Umm sure, yes you can... I'll check on you later ok?" he says
"Okay" I snuggle back up in my puffy blankets.
I don't know how long I have been asleep it only felt like a hour but I felt it coming up my throat.
When I say it I mean my supper last night.
I run to my bathroom and that second I threw up....
I do have another problem with me well I don't think I'm good enough for anyone .so I throw up my food I skip lunch, breakfast, suppers and snacks.
Then the supervisors realized what I was doing and they pretty much force fed me and watched me at night... I know creepy.

5 minuets later Adam came in and I'm guessing that he guessing that I'm here because I said I fell like throwing up and I'm not in my bed.
I bathroom reaked of throw up.

"Phoebe are you okay?" He ask with concern
"Umm yeah I'm FINE" I say
"Umm Phoebe you don't look FINE are you sure?" He asks
'Just say no your not fine' I say in my head
"Yeah just a little sick ha" I fake laugh
'Gahhh, geez Phoebe that was you chance'
"Phoebe are you sure your okay? Do you want me to get anything?" He asks
"No"I whisper
"Okay" he gets up
"Adam I have to tell you something and it's tarring me apart" I say almost to the point of me crying
"What is it?" He helps me up we make our way to my bed
(Ya nasty)
"Umm well umm I will show you" I say
I got into my closet and I get my shortest shorts I have and I slip them on and I put back on my pj pants.
Then I pull down the pants and revealing a few of my cuts and scars
Then I pull the shorts up a bit more
All he does is stare lifeless.
"When was the last time you did this?" He finally asks
".............last night" I say under my breath
"Why?" He asks
"Claim tossed me in the pool, it was a joke, I pulled myself out of the water and my short rolled up a bit and I was so mad at myself, I'm mad at myself right because I did it for no reason" I say
He hugs me, I hug back
"How or when are you planing the guys?" He says in my ear
"I don't know..." I whisper

Adam and I where talking about my self injury.
It fell so nice to let that off my chest and he supported me al the way.
All I need is to tell al the guys.
I don't know how to tell them.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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