Charter 11

844 24 9

Few weeks later

Adam did give me a choice to be home schooled or if I wanted to go to public school, I think that public school was a good choice because I need to get some new friends you know get use to the LA fell but nothing can change my Washington way.

We picked out all my classes,

I am going to be in the second semester of grade nine, luckily it's just the beginning of the second semester.

Btw its a early Monday morning first day of the school. Well for Phoebe

Phoebe's POV

My phone alarm went off,

"Frick!" I shouted like Brent Rivera, I reach over to my phone and tap the snooze button and inched off the bed kinda like a worm. Then looked into the mirror,

"Mah gawd"

Hey I sounded like Mitch oh god there getting to my head.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention Micth , Ty and Jerome have made it to the house sadly the mudkip is no longer in team crafted but Ryan has indeed joined team crafted. The sad part about Quentin leaving is that I didn't even get to meet him.

I'm not sure if Ryan is planing to say at the team crafted house but I'm sure he will be visiting.

(Well that's what I think happened if not sorry to the mudkip)

Adam hasn't introduce me to his fans I hope they like meh.

I got dressed and went down stairs and Ty was pasted out on the couch they were up late I couldn't stay up with them because I had school and I can't stay up that late because I'll end up passing out like in drunk.

Oh shit I'm going to be late for the bus.

"bye Adam! love you!" I scream so he can hear me Ty woke up

"Oh shit, Bee you scared me and Ill make sure to tell him you said bye, good luck at school" he smiles

"Thanks Ty" I smile

I run out to the bus stop and there where two guys at the stop.

Oh god don't make eye contact.

I go on my phone oh and go on twitter and update my tweet

-first day of school :D-

I look up and I see them looking at me....

I just turn around wait now they will be starring at my butt! I turn around again and build up the confidence to say something.

"Umm hi?"

"Hey" they both say

"Are you a new kid?" One of them ask

"Umm yeah why?" I ask

"We're apart of the chief and council it's our job to know everyone well most of everyone" the other guy says

"Well I'm Phoebe Walkin.. I mean Dahlberg Phoebe Dahlberg" I say with pride

"Are you married why did you forget your last name?" One of the guys ask

"No I'm adopted" I say

"Oh sorry" he says

"Ok what are your names I'm starting to get confused" I laugh they laugh

"My name is Ashton" he smiles

"And my name is Ken but I don't like my name so everyone calls me Kyle well I ask them to call me Kyle " he laughs

"Well nice to meet ya Ashton and Kyle " I reach to shake there hands, they shook my hands back oh god there so nice I wish all guys where like that.

The bus finally came wow and I thought I was late.

I found a seat in the middle it was empty Ashton sat in front of me and then Kyle says in the seat next to mine.

"Awesome we're sitting in a the same place, well you know what I mean" Ashton laughs

"I know right" I smile

The bus stopped at the next bus stop and a girl came and she came to the seat I was sitting in.

"Um that's my seat" she said in to most snob-est voice

"Um sorry" I apologize and move to Kyle's seat

"Does anyone sit with you Kyle?" I ask

"Yes he's getting on in the next stop"he says sorry

"Ashton?" I ask

"No take it" I says

"Oh my god thanks I thought I would have to sit on the floor" I say

"They wouldn't make you sit on the floor" he laughed

Me an Ashton talk all the way to the school.

The bus stopped at the most biggest high school I ever seen.

"Oh god that huge, I'm going to get lost" I say under my breath

"It's ok I will show you around, you won't have to do work today, I'll show you around and show you to all the classes and teachers" Ashton make me a bit more calmer.



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