Chapter 10

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With the help of massive amounts coffee and tylenol, the two were ultimately cured of their hangovers, just in time for the day of Warped to begin. Brooke had wandered off in search for a band in which she had yet to get pictures for, and Alex followed in tow, as he wasn’t scheduled to play until later that day. Of course, she wouldn’t--or couldn’t-- object to him following her around for the majority of the day, since it was always nice to have him around. Even though they weren’t together for that long, Alex thought it was time that they stopped hiding their relationship for everybody, and therefore he was a lot more affectionate towards the girl in public. As they walked, their fingers were entwined and their arms were swinging at their sides. Sometimes, when Alex is stopped by a fan who wants an autograph and picture, they ask Brooke to be in the picture as well as compliment her. It wasn’t how she had thought it would be--expecting a negative reaction from the fans, so this was a nice surprise.


Watching Alex with the fans was always fun to watch; he was so nice and gentle with them, and that toothy grin of his never seemed to falter; even a blind person could tell that this was his favorite part of his job. Everything about it was so sincere. After another encounter with a fan, Brooke pulled him away and towards the back of a tent. He raised an eyebrow as he stared down at her with a look of confusion.

“Yes?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. She quickly stood on her toes in order to be able to kiss him, due to the major height difference between the two. He chuckled softly against her lips and kissed her back, pulling away after a short while.

“I still find it quite adorable that you have to stand on your tip-toes to kiss me.” He teased, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Brooke rolled her eyes slightly and shrugged, “Maybe I should just start wearing heels or something whenever I’m around you.”

Alex shook his head quickly, “That’s not necessary, I think it’s cute that you’re so short.” He insisted, letting go of her waist and pulling out his phone to check the time. “Shit, I need to go.” He kissed her on the cheek quickly before frowning. “I’m sorry, I’ll see you later, okay?” Brooke nodded and sighed, pushing him off towards the main stage before returning to her trek around the grounds.


Since the tour was nearing it’s end, it was quite hard to find a band that Brooke hadn’t gotten pictures of, so she ultimately gave up for the time being, and began shooting pictures of the fans that were crowding the area, and their reactions of meeting a couple bands, before heading back to the Pierce the Veil bus. Once she had reached it, she carefully put her stuff away before collapsing in a heap on her couch-bed, drifting off to sleep.




The smell of something burning and a soft jabbing in her side caused Brooke to stir awake, her eyes still fogged with sleep as she began to identify small little flames at the ends of a couple candles on a cake. She raised an eyebrow and looked at the figure that was still poking her, which she found out to be Alex, and sat up quickly.

“Surprise!” Everyone on the bus cheered in unison.

“Happy birthday, B.”  Alex smiled wide, sitting down beside her and pulling her onto his lap. It took Brooke a minute to process it all, as she had completely forgot that it was her birthday. She ran a hand awkwardly through her hair and smiled slightly.

“Erm, thanks.” She had never been one to celebrate her birthday; why would someone celebrate it, anyway?


Congrats! You’re one more year closer to death! Let’s throw a party!


But she wasn’t going to be the one to tell them that; it would ruin their fun, and that was the last thing that she wanted to do. She got up from Alex’s lap and grabbed his arm, pulling him up to his feet.

“Let’s get this party started, then!” Vic shouted, stumbling over to the kitchen as if was already drunk, almost dropping the cake on his way. Nearly all of the band members that she had met over the course of the past two months were there, and it was obvious that they were exceeding maximum capacity, the amount the bus shook as they rushed around, but that didn’t seem to stop them.


Brooke sat next to Alex on one of the bar stools by the counter in the small, cramped kitchen, grabbing his hand gently. “You know, you didn’t really have to throw me a party.” She murmured under her breath.

He shrugged, “It’s the end of the tour, and it’s your birthday. Either way, we were gonna party.” He pointed out, chuckling and leaning over to kiss her cheek.

She shrugged as well, “I guess.” She murmured, and grabbed her beer from in front of her with her free hand, taking a small swig. This time, she had no intention of getting drunk, so her maximum for tonight was two beers. Alex seemed to abide by that rule as well, having already finished two beers, he didn’t go for a third.

After a while, when Brooke’s conversations with the others seemed to die down, Alex took the opportunity to lean over and whisper something in the small girls ear; “I have a surprise for you later on, when everyone’s gone.” She raised an eyebrow at him slightly but didn’t question it, nodding before turning away from him and began to converse with Jason Butler, from letlive. Alex knew how much she loved that band, and the look on her face when she she met them was priceless; now, he wished he would’ve gotten it on camera.




Once the bus had cleared out, Alex dragged Brooke to the back and sat her down. He knelt in front of her and bit his lip, glancing up at her ever-so-slightly. “Brooke? I need to ask you something.” He blurted out finally, nervousness lacing his voice. She nodded slowly and raised an eyebrow,

“Go on..” She urged, folding her arms across her chest.

“I was thinking a lot, and I came to realize that after this tour, I wouldn’t be able to stand being so far away from you all the time, and I know you would feel the same way, so don’t try denying it.” He chuckled, before continuing. “It would feel like half of my heart was in an entirely different place, and I wouldn’t be myself; not without you there, B. So I was wondering, after this tour, if you would like to move in with me? I have a spare bedroom, not that you would need it, since we would probably end up staying in the same room anyway. I know I still wouldn’t be around all the time, but at least while I’m gone, I’ll have a piece of mind that you will be there when I return, and it’ll make everything so much easier, on the both of us.” He murmured, “Sorry for rambling.” He smiled slightly, lowering his gaze.

Brooke stayed silent for a minute to take everything in, before standing up and grabbing his hands, pulling him up as well. “Of course I would move in with you, Lex.” She smiled, leaning up and kissing him quickly, before resting her forehead against his as she let out a sigh of happiness.


So there's gonna only be two more chapters after this one, but be sure to stay tuned because there's gonna be a big ending c:

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