Chapter 11

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       Three years together, and Alex and Brooke were as closely knit as they were on the day that they had gotten together. Sure, they had their ups and downs, like any normal relationship, but they stuck it out and carried on. It was those small fights that only brought the two closer to each other, as it allowed them to sort out their differences and resolve them quickly. Ever since their two year anniversary, Alex had repeatedly asked the her to marry him, to no prevail, as she didn’t feel ready for that quite yet, but he never gave up. It wasn’t until their three year, six month anniversary when she finally gave in to his constant whining.

With Alex on tour and Brooke with her photography, they had barely had any time to plan for the wedding, but since she had the most time on her hands, everything was up to her. It the midst of it all, she had found out that she was pregnant, therefore making the need for them to get married a hell of a lot more urgent. Since she had only found out a couple weeks prior, and Alex was yet again on tour, she decided that in order not to stress him out even more, she would wait for him to get back to Baltimore. The only issue that she saw with the whole thing was the fact that her husband-to-be would be away for nearly nine out of the twelve months of a year, leaving Brooke to raise the child pretty much by herself. It’s not like Alex had a choice, but it kind of bothered her to say the least; but yet again, it was just another thing that she would have to adjust to if she wanted to be with Alex.


A week later, Brooke was standing in the airport with her arms across her chest as she fiddled with the engagement ring on her finger. She always had been a bit anxious when she was waiting for Alex to unboard the plane and join her, and this time it seemed to be twice as worse, considering the news that she had to deliver to him. After a while long of thinking, she decided that the best way to lay it on him would to take him out to dinner to his favorite place, and somehow manage to slip it into conversation. Of course, the plan could go terribly wrong and she could easily back out of it due to the amount of nerves that were creeping up on her.


It wasn’t until she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist to pull her into a hug that Brooke became aware of her surroundings once again; a startled look on her face as she turned the face the figure looming over her, revealing Alex. A look of worry and confusion crossed through his eyes as he picked up on the frightened look in hers, frowning slightly. “B? Are you alright?”

Brooke sighed and shook her head for a moment, shrugging her shoulders. “I…Um, we need to talk later. I’ll explain everything.” She murmured under her breath, and the worry in her fiancées eyes only got more noticeable. Just as he opened his mouth to talk, Jack sprinted over to the two and pulled her into a bear hug.

“Brooke!” He screeched, ignoring the looks that he had got from some of the people in the mob surrounding them. “I missed you so much!” He added just as loud, seemingly not bothered by the stares.

“Hey Jack Attack.” She muttered, patting his back gently. “You can let go now, I kinda can’t breathe.” She chuckled, and at that, he let go. A faint blush painted his cheeks,

“Sorry, just got kinda carried away.” He murmured,  rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Let’s catch up then!”

The smile returned on his face as he linked his arm with hers and started skipping towards the entrance of the airport, just in time to see Alex mouth ‘we’ll talk later.’



Just as Jack intended to do, the two caught up, and their reunion lasted several hours. Who knew so much could happen over the course of a month? While they were talking, she told him the secret that she was keeping from Alex, and he was ecstatic at first, but then he began to worry about how his best friend would react, which frankly made Brooke a lot more nervous about the subject. She couldn’t just not tell him that she was pregnant; keeping a secret like that from your significant other had the potential to ruin a relationship, and that was the last thing that she wanted.


Getting up from her seat on the couch, she leaned over and kissed Jack on the cheek gently and muttering a goodbye, before heading off to tell Alex that they were gonna go out for dinner in celebration of his return home, but the both of them knew it was because they needed to talk. She quickly got changed into something fairly decent, before waiting for Alex to finish redoing his hair, and strolled out to the kitchen where she stood. “Ready to go?” He asked, and she simply nodded, walking out to the house with Alex in tow.


Once in the car, Alex glanced over to Brooke in the passenger seat and sighed, “So, what is it that you need to tell me?” He asked, and she shrugged,

“Just wait, I’ll tell you later.” She replied, lighting up a cigarette; not a smart move on her part, but she could care less at this point, she just wanted the nerves to melt away. Alex bit his lip and focused back on the road, trying not to seem bothered by the smoke that drifted off in his direction.

“You know I hate when you do that.” He muttered, motioning the the lit joint in her hand, causing her to yet again shrug. The rest of the car ride was spent in silence.


Alex pulled into the small dinner that just so happened to be the place where they had their first date, and the place in which Brooke finally said yes to his marriage proposal. The place seemed to be filled with good memories of the two, and she hoped her news would not shatter them. When they were seated, Brooke still stayed silent and absentmindedly scanned her menu, even though she knew exactly what she wanted, having been here thousands of times before. Since it was Alex’s favorite restaurant, often was an understatement of how much they went here; it was like a daily thing-- that is, when Alex is not on tour. It was a place to reminisce about everything they had been through, in this very spot; the last booth in the corner of the building.


Brooke raised her head to stare directly at Alex and bit her lip, clearing her throat awkwardly in order to get his attention. “I have to tell you something.” She said finally.

When he looked up at her as well, she could feel the nerves once again grow in her stomach, but there was no going back now. The look in his eyes urged her to continue on.

“Now don’t freak out or anything..” She paused, sighing when she noticed that his eyes were raised in confusion and concern. “Alex. I-I’m pregnant.” She muttered, stumbling over her words. As soon as the words escaped her lips, the corners of his lips curved into a smile.

“I’m gonna be a dad.” He murmured, his voice a mere whisper, before freezing. “Wait, it’s mine, right?” He raised an eyebrow.

Brooke rolled her eyes and nodded, “Of course it is.” She laughed. He got up and pulled her into his arms, lifting her up in his arms and twirling around.

“I’m gonna be a dad!” He repeated, his voice significantly louder.

Maybe there wasn’t a reason to be so nervous, after all.


Sooo after this, there is gonna be one more chapter, an epilogue of sorts where it'll be Brooke and Alex's wedding c:

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