The Three Clans

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        "Boss!" yelled Tadashi's clan

Madoka stared as they ran to Tadashi's aid. Tadashi spit out blood in laughter.

Kazuma and Asakura made it to the scene.

"Where here." Asakura told Kazuma.

Kazuma noticed that there were so many in uniforms like Obata, Kazuma saw Tadashi they both looked at each other for a short moment until Tadashi's hair spiked in flames.

Tadashi yelled "bye!" then he lifted his cloak releasing a tsunami of fire, everyone glowed.

Kazuma screamed and Asakura stood in front of him unleashing her yellow light.the fire rushed to everyone.

They used their lights as shields protecting then. The fire flew all the way to Kazuma, luckily Asakura shielded him.

Kazuma fell in shock, if it wasn't for her he'd be fried right now.

Once the fire died down to the burnt warehouse and trees on fire.

"He's gone! No sight of him commander." Madoka's  men reported.

"Damn!" she replied, she then walked over to Shigeru.

"Anyway... Shigeru I understand that you are trying to avoid public, but you still where seen. This is your first warning."

Shigeru looked at Madoka then began to reply "Madoka... If I see him again, he will die where he stands."

Shigeru walked away almost lost in thought, until Asakura called him over.


Asakura slapped Kazuma "I got him!"

"Ow!" Kazuma yelled, she had a very hard hand. She hits harder than Cira, and that's saying something.

Kazuma noticed Shigeru standing over him.

"So your the new aura sphere?" He asked.

"Oh no! Sorry man I'm not one of you not at all!" Kazuma was scared stiff sweating like a track star, he just wanted to leave and check on Kunai.

"I can sense your aura..." Shigeru stared at Kazuma "it's mild and aggressive, but not claimed."

Shigeru grew quite for a few seconds. Kazuma thought this was chance to escape.

"Your coming with us." Shigeru ordered.

They started to walk away, Kazuma didn't want to but he was scared. What would happen if he said no? Asakura stopped and looked at him she gave a big smile.

"Don't worry. Your sister is okay."

Kazuma couldn't believe what he just heard, a man with some weird athletic armor, an Korean with an outfit like he was cosplaying a anime. A spiky blond as tall as him but way muscular, and a red head girl with a school uniform, but doesn't go to school.

From what he could tell, they were super strong lunatics but for some reason he believed the words she just said.

They were walking someone were, they didn't say, so Kazuma just followed them. He couldn't help but wonder about the past hour.

"So... um are you guys yokai?" he asked Asakura and Otai.

Asakura felt so hurt she almost fainted. Otai laughed, rubbing his spiky mohawk.

"Oh so that's how you see us?" Otai kept laughing. "Were not yokai were just superior beings."

"An I'm one of you?"

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