Scourge Mode

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       He let out a groan of defeat. Shigeru slowly rose up and walked to the edge of the roof looking down at Tadashi who waited for him to come down.

Tadashi waved at him with a devious smile.

"Damn bastard..." Shigeru whispered.

He then jumped from the building crashing on his feet causing a small eruption of dirt and gravel. Shigeru dashed from the spot like a bolt of lightning and clashed elbows with Tadashi causing the ground to crush beneath them creating a small crater.

The two traded the blows making wind crash each other like a hurricane. The helicopters could barely handle staying straight in the air with how strong the wind was pushing. The crater got bigger and bigger from the clashes.

Shigeru finally got a good strike as he punched Tadashi in his chin. Tadashi jumped back and shot two fire balls. He quickly clapped his hands together and slowly moved them as a ball of molten lava started to appear.

The balls of fire exploded from Shigeru's blast he looked over and saw Tadashi's attack. Tadashi was finally getting serious as he used one out of his three sparrows.

The ball of lava was now as big as Tadashi and large like a hippo. Lave dripped from it and the lava stared to harden gaining a solid exterior. Tadashi smiled and yelled "Meteor Strike!"

Tadashi launched his sparrow and the meteor flew to Shigeru. Shigeru placed his aura into his hands and stopped the meteor as it crashed into him.

"Nngghh..." Shigeru was flown back from The force untill he caught his grip and the meteor stopped moving.

The was a trail of lava behind the Meteor, Shigeru couldn't move he was stuck if he let go the meteor would explode and Shigeru would take damage. Tadashi knew that and attacked, Tadashi kicked inside the meteor going through it reaching Shigeru's face.

The meteor exploded giving Tadashi more power in his kick. Shigeru flew from the attack he crashed through a small shed, full of lockers and sport equipment, and over the baseball field and crashed into the gate landing in the woods.

Three trees slowly fell from the crash and hundreds of birds flew away.

Tadashi walked over to the baseball field after a minute Tadashi began to laugh. He quickly stopped when he saw a light heading his way.

The light crashed into him creating a explosion of dirt and light. Another large blast hit the explosion making it grow bigger like a dome, a third blast hit and the explosion was gigantic, blinding the viewers in the helicopter and completely incentergrating​ half the school building.

Shigeru stood up breathing heavily, he was bleeding from under his eye and his left shoulder was burnt, blood oozing from the wound. He looked over to the explosion as it died down.

Smoke and dirt started to clear and he could see Tadashi who was crushed on a wall, lava dripping from the walls.

"Guh! Ha!! Shigeru!!!" Tadashi yelled at the top of his lungs as blood drooled out from his mouth. His shirt was gone and is pants where ripped and tattered at the bottom. "I'm going to give it everything I have!! You will die I put that on everything!!"

Tadashi's​ aura shot up and wind and fire burst through it.

He was blinding, Shigeru could feel the heat emitting from him even though he was a total of 100 yards away. His red aura turned silver and died downto it's original state, it was sharp and constantly rising like wind shooting up.

Tadashi entered a power only Eldershpheres could reach, the Silver aura mixed with the original​ aura, the humoungus rise of power.

The scourge...

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