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The Bad boy, Dylan McKay

Dylan wrote:

Beautiful women are like life

And life is much like beautiful women

It loves, it cares, it tests, and wines

It fights, and beats and it's happening all the time

You don't want it to go but you want it stay

Hoping that it would eventually shape,

Into what you want, your perfect fantasy

Taking away what you don't want to see

But when it fails to do so and loses its worth

And all that's left is just you; definition hurt

I want to kill it, end it at the drop of a dime

Leave it, even if it's the only thing that's mine

Once she leaves there goes the life

There goes the sun giving way to the night

And all that's left are visions and bad dreams

Mom leaving before I was thirteen

Living and drinking on my own since fifteen

Dad incarcerated by the age of seventeen

My wife Antonia's bloody crime scene

My fiancé's Brenda's blood stained jeans

Dad dead and I must have been eighteen

You see because...

Beautiful women are like life

And life is much like beautiful women

It loves, it cares, it tests, and wines

It fights and beats and sadly it's happening all the time

-Dylan McKay

I use to be the mean girl, Valerie Malone

An elite team of FBI agents mobilized in front of the culprit's home. Their leader, Detective Malone commanded that they go around the back and wait for her signal. The two swat members in front broke down the door with ease allowing the rest of the crew to spill into the house. She shouted "FBI, FBI" startling the criminal cradling the poor defenseless little girl. Edwardo's eyes shifted trying to find a way out of his house but his body was forced to the ground before he could make a move.

Valerie then handcuffed his risk together and then escorted him out the door into the police car. It had been three months since the little girl was taken, finally she could rest peacefully knowing that the world-renowned rapist would be behind bars. She went back to the station to put away her weaponry when one of their profilers, Dr. Lyndon Humphry, snuck up from behind.

"Hey Val, did we catch him?"

The good doctor had rushed all the way across town to catch her before she left.

While he was talking, she was still putting away her belongings.

"We got him and we couldn't have done it without your help so thank you."

"So, are you now free to go out on a date?" He asked knowing that she had no more excuses left to give. Valerie had fed him every lie in the book hoping that he would move on to a girl who was smoother around the edges, more refined, more safe. She couldn't be with anyone now that she had come to terms with what she had done.

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