Chapter 2

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Clem POV.

After we introduction to them we made a camp in a gas station and me and ellie has been talking to each other for awhile now while aj sleeping and joel keeping a look out for walkers/infected...

"So ellie how did you meet joel" I say looking at her

"I met joel when my so called 'friend' was shoot and he took care of me after that even though he want to get rid of me" She says

"What happen to your friend" I say

"She betray me and joel... she wanted to take something from me so joel killed her " She says looking sad

"Am sorry i should have not said that" i say looking away

"No.. It fine you just wanted to know" she said looking at me

"Hey.. You girls need to sleep" joel says still looking out the window

"Alright then Good night ellie" i said putting my head on the pillow and close my eyes

"Night clem" She said.. And then everything turn dark

-----The next day-----

"Clem its time to get up" aj says in his cute voice while shaking me gently

"Mmmm... 5 more min" Before i finish what i was saying joel started to shake 

"Hey wake up.. we have to get back on the road" He said as i got up and rub my eyes

Joel gets up and pack some stuff in a bag and went outside with ellie to start the car

I pick up aj and pack some stuff and  went outside where i see joel and ellie in the car

I got in the car and put aj on the seat and buckled him up in the seat belt and gave him his baby blue balnket

Joel start the car and began to drive 

---- 5 mins later----

It was a quiet drive until ellie started to do funny puns

"Hey do you guys want to her some funny puns" Elie says getting her book out of her backpack and open it

"Not this again ellie" Joel says a little bit annoyed

"Why Don't couples go to the gym???? Because some relationships don't work out haha get it" She says while laughing and so was i and aj

"No ellie i don't get it" joel says.. but a little smile came up a little

"Oh come on joel you know its funny" Ellie says 

"Okay it was a litte bit funny" joel says while driving

Then ellie keep telling us more puns in her book, and we laugh at all of them , even joel laugh at all of the joke

---------20 minutes---------

Joel stop car cause the roads was block of trees, dead bodies

" We have to get out the car.. There no other way to go" Joel says unlocking the car

Everyone gets out 

Aj came behind my leg and tug my shirt.. I look down at him

" Could you pick me up clem" he says rises his arms in the air for to pick him up

I pick him up and walk with the others.

We walk for an hour and we found some food and bullets and arrows.

I was looking for more stuff but then i felt someone touch me.

I turn around and look and see it was aj

"I'm getting scared clem" he say with his arms wide open for me to pick him up. I pick him up and told him everything going to be okay.

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