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Dear Pickles dipped in cream,

I understand that, that is in no way a real name. But until I can come up with something better I am calling you Pickles dipped in cream. At least no one can accuse you of being boring.

As you can probably already tell I have never written a journal or diary before, but since that sounds cliché. I, being the genius I am, have decided that instead I will call you my life log.

A complete, nothing left out, explanation of my life. It includes, thoughts feelings and worries and if you call right now you can get it for $49.99. Not including shipping and packaging.

HA, always read the fine print.

So I am guessing that you, Pickles Dipped In Cream wish to know a bit about little ol' me.

Soooooo... my name is Corrie Cornwell, currently 16, my friend' calls me chip (like the chip packet C.Cs). And as you can tell I have the whole package. Stunning, brains, and I could charm the pants off anybody (this last statement might or might not be true).

I was watching a movie about the future and stuff, I was thinking – as you do – about how cool it would be if in a hundred years from now someone found my life log. My words would become immortal – and like Voldemort I will rise from the pages MWAHAHAHA – sorry got a bit world domineering there. Anyhow... to sum it up I think it would be amazing if people actually cared enough about me to print of these words for the world to see.

Well world here I come.

Till next time,



I am going to attempt to write a new story. (yay me) As of now I am unsure of how it will turn out, i'm sorta maybe writing what ever comes into my head sooooooo...

Hope this all goes well.

I bid you adieu,


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