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"Lets start with chakra. Chakra is created with two different forms of energy; Physical and Spiritual. Physical energy is collected from ones' body's cells and is increased by training, stimulates and exercise. While spiritual energy is derived from the minds consciousness and can be increased through studying, mediation and experience. If these two energies become more powerful, then the chakra in one can also become more power-" Misa paused and glanced at Tsuki, who in fact wasn't listening at all. She clicked her tongue in annoyance and flicked Tsuki forehead.

The young six year old gave a frown before taking her gaze off the trail of ants that she was feeding scrapes of bread.

Misa sighed, "Tsuki please, pay attention."

"But why? I don't want to learn about chakra or training, it's boring. I want to go play with the other kids in the village." She watched as a pair of butterflies flew in the air. She gave a small giggle but it was interrupted by her mother who cleared her throat.

"My dear Tsuki..." Misa waved her hand at Tsuki to bring her closer. The child cuddled into her side, awaiting for her mothers words. "You, of all people should know why you have to train. Even though you're only six, there's a lot of bad people out there in this world that can and will hurt you for who you are. The daughter of Sukai Higa, the leader of our village. Plus people try to come here for our ability even though we aren't the only ones' that can maintain this ability."

"Like Haku-nii..." She whispered.

Misa gave a slight chuckle, "Yes like Haku, but-"

"Not everyone in this world can be bad Oka-san..." Tsuki fiddled with her hair.

Misa sighed before softly stroking her daughters cheeks. Tsuki hummed in response, gazing out towards the water. "Do you know the story of Kiseki no Umi?"

Tsuki hummed, "Yeah, Onēsan told me all about the Kiseki no Umi." She pointed towards the vast ocean in front of her. "It's basically the origin of two lovers. This was their special spot, their sea of miracles. This is also where the guy asked to marry her, where they met."

"This ocean is why we are the way we are today. If it weren't for their meeting, you wouldn't be here, I wouldn't either."

"Huh?" What's that suppose to mean, she questioned.

"Your practices are very important for the sake of the village protection. You are to be the future leader Tsuki, you know this." Misa began to focus her chakra in her free hand that wasn't wrapped around Tsuki. Water droplets began to form from thin air and started to crystallize, shaping into a iced snowflake. "If you want to be able to do things like Yuki and I, you better start practicing."

Tsuki whined. In truths, she wanted to be able to bend and form Ice like her mother and older sister. She just wasn't as interested at the moment. She wanted to play with other kids, she still wanted to be free and live as a kid. But because of the position she was in, she had to grow up faster. Be more focused in her studies because someone, something was out there after her. She watched her mother twitch in anticipation and frowned. She wanted to make her mother happy, her father as well.

All she wanted was her fathers attention but to only do so, she needed to study. She haves to train and become stronger. She finally nodded, "Alright, I'm gonna train even harder so I can protect our village!"

Misa gave a thumbs up and grinned, "That's my girl."

The two laughed together and began to pack up their small picnic and scrolls. Tsuki noticed a chocolate bar in the basket and snatched it up. Quickly opening it, she popped a piece inside her mouth and placed the rest back in the basket. She hummed in happiness as her mother grasped her hand in hers. Tsuki gave one more glance towards the glittering ocean and gave a small smile.

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