Alyia Potter and the Missing Child

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Chapter 1 –

            As I rolled around in my bed, I could hear voices of my mom and others in the living room. I didn’t really know what was going on, but my mom sounded scared. I grabbed my blanket and my bear and called out for my mom.

            My bedroom was small, but it looked big with my cherry painted walls and the caramel colored floors. Stuffed animals were on shelves lining the upper part of my walls and pictures of my friends and my parents were hung on the mirror on top of my dresser. The picture of my mommy and daddy together was on my nightstand and I grabbed it, smiling at their young faces.

            As my mom walked in, her beautiful strawberry hair blew around her face, making her brown eyes stand out against her pale skin. She got her eyes and hair from her. She was beautiful, anyone could see that, and I was glad she was my mommy. I held out my arms for her and she picked up my small frame, my legs fitting around her waist.

            She brought me out into the living room where daddy, Uncle James, and Grandpa Draco were standing. I waved at them, giving them each a hug, and went back to my mom. They were all looking down at me and I started to feel weird.

            I pulled on my mom’s pants and made her come down to my level. “Mommy? What is going on?” I saw my school bag by the door and frowned. “Are we going somewhere?” My mom frowned at me and I held onto her leg.

            “Alyia, you’re going on a fun vacation with Grandpa Draco right now. What do you think? Do you want to do that?” I didn’t want to do that, but mommy was so excited, so I nodded. I ran to my dad and jumped in his arms. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt comfort I don’t feel with anyone else. My daddy had blond hair like Grandma and Grandpa, but his blue eyes were so sharp, they saw through anything.

            “Daddy? Are you coming with us?” I asked, but he shook his head and I frowned, wanting to cry. “Okay, I love you,” I whispered and he hugged me tightly.

            “I love you too darling and we’ll see each other again, soon.” I nodded and hugged my mom, before going to my grandpa. Uncle James, his brown hair covering his eyes, stood there with no emotion registered on his face. I smiled at him and he smiled back, before going back to the way he was.

Grandpa Draco carried me to the car with my stuff and a tear fell down on my face as I looked out the window at my family. I didn’t want to leave them, but it was okay. Daddy said I was going to see them soon.


7 years later…

            I was in a really pretty forest. The trees were bare, but they had character as I walked past them. A clearing up ahead brought me to a stop as I saw my best friend sitting on the ground. She turned around and smiled at me as I walked towards her and gave her a hug.

            “Alyia, how have you been?” Daliah asked me, and I shrugged smiling at the older woman who was now standing in front of me.

            “I’ve been great. I’m going to be going to middle school in a couple of months. I’m excited.” Daliah smiled at me, but I knew it was forced. For the past year, she has been telling me to get ready for something, but she hasn’t told me what.

            A clock struck out of nowhere and I smiled. Daliah grabbed something from behind her and pulled out a box. “Happy birthday Alyia, you turn eleven years old today.” I took the box, but instead of opening it, I gave her a hug. With her black hair and blazing gray eyes, she looked intimidating, but she was so sweet to me.

            “How old will you be this year Daliah?” She laughed, her vocal chords rising as she held her stomach.

            “Young Alyia, you never ask a woman how old she is. Haven’t you heard of manners?” She paused, a smile still on her face. “But since you’re my best friend, I’ll tell you. I am thirty four, but don’t let that stop you from hanging out with me. I’m not that old.” I shook my head. Of course I wouldn’t stop being Daliah’s friend. She was the best friend I had ever had.

            I opened the present she gave me and it was a beautiful necklace. I took it out and admired it. The black ribbon held a beautiful onyx stone, circled by small diamonds. I gasped as I looked at it and frowned.

            “Oh, Daliah, I can’t take this. It is way too much for a birthday.” She shook her head and helped me put it on.

            “Nonsense. It is your eleventh birthday and it is very special for a girl like you.” She always makes comments like this, so I shrugged my shoulders and gave her a hug, thanking her.  I started to feel dizzy all of a sudden and fell to the ground. “I’ll see you tomorrow night, Alyia.” I closed my eyes and woke up in my bedroom in my grandparent’s house.

            I sat up in bed, my head hurting a little, but froze when I touched the necklace. It wasn’t real, but the necklace on my neck was proof that it actually did happen. I ran to my mirror and saw it there, plain as sight.

            I smelt pancakes as I changed into a pair of jeans and a pretty top today. The necklace looked really pretty on me and I thanked Daliah in my mind again for the beautiful gift.

            I walked down the stairs to see my grandpa and grandma cooking breakfast. They looked so happy together and it brought a smile to my face.

            “Good morning!” I exclaimed, making them both jump and I smiled at them, blushing because I scared them.

            “Happy birthday darling,” my grandmother said, coming around the counter to give me a hug. I looked on the table to see two presents and a few cards. I always got some sort of gift from my family back in England and it made me feel a little less lonely here in America.

            “Well why don’t you open your presents while we finish breakfast?” My grandfather offered and I sat down. I opened the cards first. I got money from James, Albus, my parents, my other grandparents, Ron and Hermione, my aunt and uncle, and also cards from their kids. I smiled and looked at the gift wrapped in a pretty silver wrapping paper.

I opened it and saw a really pretty dress and I jumped up and gave both my grandparents a hug, looking at the dress again. It was a simple black dress with a pretty black ribbon across the middle. Underneath the ribbon, the dress flowed like an ocean, it flowed out as if they were waves. The top, above the ribbon, was really pretty and straight forward, making it gorgeous.

            “Okay sweetie, now with all of the money you got, I want you to save that. Were going out shopping later this week and you can spend it then, okay?” I nodded my head and closed my eyes as the pancakes were set down in front of me. Grandpa Draco’s pancakes were amazing, no one could compare.

            I looked at the table to see one last card I didn’t see before. It was in a beautifully written calligraphy and as I opened it and read it out loud, I saw my grandpa and grandma freeze.

            “I’m a witch?”


This is bemystar. I am honored to write the first chapter and I just want to thank you for checking this out. Sianie1990 and I decided to co-write a harry fanfic and here you go! :)

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