Chapter Two

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Hey this is Sianie1990 - the other co-writer on this story :)

I hope you like this chapter :) Please comment/vote/like if you do :)

Thank you for reading :)



Chapter Two –

I looked up in disbelief. This couldn’t be right, could it? I was so confused. My little hands were shaking as I read this letter a few more times, trying to make sense of it.

“Grandma… Grandpa… Is it true? Am I really a witch?” I asked quietly and nervously, while slowly looking towards them both sat across from me. I didn’t know which answer I’d prefer, I just wanted to know the truth. My grandma and grandpa looked at each other and then back at me.

“Yes Alyia, it is true. You are a witch,” Grandma replied. I froze. I didn’t know what to think. I’m a witch. How could I not have known? Why did nobody tell me? I stood up and walked over to the table to place my letter on it.

“Grandma, why did nobody ever tell me I’m a witch?” I just had to know the answer. Surely there was a reason.

“I thought your parents would tell you. I don’t know why they didn’t,” She replied, with a sad look on her face. “I’m sorry Alyia; I should have made sure you knew. I didn’t want you to find out through a letter,” My grandma looked very apologetic. 

“You don’t have to be sorry grandma, it’s not your fault,” I replied, trying to force a smile. I honestly didn’t know how to feel. This is big news for an eleven year old girl like me. I couldn’t decide whether I was happy or sad about my news. I just knew things were going to be very different from now on.

I decided to call my parents. Maybe they can tell me why they kept this from me for eleven years. Picking up the phone, I dial the number and patiently wait for my mom or dad to answer it. It seemed to take forever.

“Hello,” I heard the soft, gentle voice of my mother on the other end.

“Hello mom, it’s me,” I replied.

“Alyia! Is everything ok?” My mother asked. Now I just needed to think of how I was going to ask her. This was going to be difficult.

“Yeah, I just have a question,” I paused for a while. “Why didn’t you or dad ever tell me that I’m a witch?” It turned silent on the other end of the phone. I was a little bit worried. I was hoping she could tell me. “Mom, are you there? I asked, and waited for an answer.

“Yes, I’m here. How do you know about that Alyia?” Her voice was trembling. She sounded really nervous.

“I got a letter. A letter inviting me to Hogwarts School,” I replied, while staring down at the letter, neatly folded on the table. “So, I was just wondering why you never told me about it.” Again, there was silence. After a few seconds I heard my mother sigh.

“The reason we didn’t tell you, is the same reason we sent you to stay with your grandparents,” she explained. “For your safety,” she added.

“What do you mean for my safety?” I asked, not fully understanding what she was trying to tell me.

“Yes, it is safer for you there. I can’t really say much right now, but there are dangerous people around Alyia, we needed to keep you safe,” my mother sighed again. It was obvious she wasn’t going to tell my anymore, so after saying goodbye, I slowly hung up the phone.

I anxiously strolled into my grandma’s bedroom, where she was sat on her bed. I looked around at the painted pink walls, and giggled to myself when I remembered grandpa saying how much he hated this room because it was pink. Remembering why I had come in here, I walked over to the bed and sat next to her, with my letter in my hand.

“Grandma, am I staying here with you and grandpa?” I asked, “Or am I going to this new school?” It was a question that had been bothering me since I first read the letter. I think if it was up to me, I would choose to go. I wanted to meet other people like me. I was curious about what being a witch, would be like.

“I will call your parents in the morning and talk with them about it, if that’s ok with you, of course?” My grandma asked me.

“Yes, that’s fine,” I replied smiling. “I better get up to bed now; see you in the morning grandma!” I hugged her as I ran off upstairs. I climbed into bed, laying my head on the soft pillow, and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

Opening my eyes, I realise I am by a large lake. Looking out over the glistening waters, I see the outline of a person, but I can’t make out who it is. As they walk closer, I notice that the person is waving at me. I stand up and slowly walk towards the figure standing before me.

“Hey Alyia, how are you tonight?” I heard a friendly voice say to me.

“Daliah, is that you?” I ask, trying to see the person.

“Yes, it is me,” She replies. I am close enough now, I can see her clearly.

“Dahliah, I’m good thank you! I got some pretty big news today though. I’m a witch!” I exclaim. I am very excited to be able to tell someone, and even better that I get to tell my best friend.

“Is that so? Well Alyia, did you know? I am also a witch,” Daliah replied. I can’t believe this. What a coincidence. My best friend is the same as me. I’m not as alone as I thought.

We sat by the beautiful lake, talking for what seemed to be hours. Suddenly, I fell back. Everything went black.

“Alyia, wake up!” I heard a voice. It sounded like the person was excited. Who could it be? I open my eyes, and realise I am back in my bed, in my grandma’s house.

“What’s up grandma?” I reply sleepily, as I rub my eyes.

“I just got off the phone with your mother. They’re both coming to pick you up. You will be staying with them for a few weeks to get ready for going to Hogwarts,” My grandma explained.

I jumped out of bed, and started running around the room gathering my things together. I can’t even describe how excited I am! I’m going to be seeing my mom and dad again! I’ve missed them both so much.

“Thank you grandma,” I run over to her and hug her. “I’ll miss you and grandpa a lot, but I’m really happy to be going back to England. I’ve missed it so much.”

“You’re welcome, you need to be back in England with your parents,” She replied while hugging me back. “Now, go get packed. Your mom and dad got a last minute flight and they’re flying here today.” I looked up at my grandma and smiled. I couldn’t be happier now.

I spend the next two hours packing all my things and getting ready to go. Grandpa is driving me to the airport, where my parents will pick me up. I can’t wait to see them again.

The drive to the airport seems to take forever, but eventually we arrive. Getting out of the car, I look towards the entrance and see my mom and dad stood there. I run straight over to them, leaving grandpa to sort my bags out.

“Mom, dad!” I shout as I run towards them.

“Alyia, it’s been too long! I’ve missed you so much sweetie,” my mother pulls my into the biggest cuddle I have ever had. The tears start to fall down my cheeks.

“I’ve missed you both too! I can’t believe you’re here,” I look at my mom and notice the tears forming in her eyes too.

“We best get you home then Alyia. We have a lot to do,” and with that, we all turned around and walked into the airport.

My new life starts now.

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