Prologue 1

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(A/N) Pictures coming soon!


In the year of the dragon, in a world beyond the realms, I, like all the others, awaited the birth of the dragon who the prophecies foretold. But the dark Master heard the prophecies aswell. I should of hidden the eggs long before, but... i thought we were ready. I thought they were safe... oh.. how i was wrong.

"Save them! the dark armies have come!" Volteer yelled breathlessly. Ignitus, the fire guardian, took no hesitance and grasped the purple egg. Rushing out of the temple as the three other guardians, Volteer, Cyril and Terrador, all stood ready to protect the temple.

They sealed the temple door, two guards outside fighting the scores of apes whilist the three remaining guardians tried to think straight in a chaotic time. Tried to think of how they'll stop these apes from doing ancestors-knows-what to the eggs they were supposed to guard.

"We can't hold out forever! we need to save the other eggs!" said volteer.
"Volteer's right! Who knows what they'll do to these eggs if they get through!"
"But we can't get them all out in time!"
"Yes we can! Cyril, Volteer, you protect these eggs, i will-" terrador stopped mid sentence as the doors slowly started to be pulled open. The trio watching in horror.
"Someone Hide the eggs!" hissed cyril.
"I will" volteer volunteered. Volteer instantly started searching the room for hiding spots but the apes got through. Volteer had taken hold of a bluish egg when Cyril's voice cut through the air.
"RUN VOLTEER!" cyril yelled. Volteer took no moment to await and rushed away with the egg and no second thoughts.
'Get this egg away, go back, help them' he chanted in his mind. Flying thusly. 

He landed and saw a empty mushroom on the edge of the river, without thinking he took it and placed the blue egg into the little mushroom. Pushing it down the river.
"Ancestors watch over you, young dragon!" volteer said before turning, before he launched off he caught the sight of flying creatures that he recognised as dark army soldiers. But they were flying away from the area. He saw thousands of apes suddenly leaving the temple in the distance, success!. Surely his guardian friends had won- right?.

But now his heart sank at the sight of red and orange. Ignitus, laying in utter defeat near the water. He was only worried for his friend at the time, walking over to look upon his knocked out leader. But then it clicked and volteer's very heart sank.

The purple egg, the legendary dragon, was now in the clutches of the dark master. Volteer was in so much panic that he only could think of returning to the temple with ignitus, surely the eggs were spared- atleast some.

But alas, he returned with an unconscientious ignitus and found all eggs were smashed and his friends defeated. These were horrible times indeed. Not only had they failed all but one egg, they let the purple egg get stolen.
'Ancestors have mercy on us all' said volteer solemnly.

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