Prologue 2

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"You brought me the purple egg! Fools!" he roared.
"Malefore will kill me for this!"
"But isn't the purple dragon the strongest of all?" stammered a soldier.
"Yes, stronger than my dark magic!" he roared.
"We don't know that for sure." all the apes fell to their knees in submission as Malefore walked up in spiritual form by gaul who appeared so very weak in the presence of the dark master himself.

"A purple dragon egg has never been corrupted by dark magic before..." he grabbed the purple egg in one paw. Looking to it with a sinister grin as he spoke.
"Perhaps you could try it, gaul. If it fails..." he paused.
"We can try other methods of corrupting it. As you all know well, only a dragon born on the year of the dragon can release me and this is the only egg remaining. This egg is to be kept alive, your lives all depend on it being alive to set me free. For if i must await till the next year of the dragon.." he growled.
"Understood, Malefore"
"I have faith in you Gaul. For if you or any of your kind fails me... you'll all suffer my wrath." this sent shivers down the spines of every ape in the room. The dark master dissolved from their sights.

The purple egg returning to Gaul's hands.
"You heard Malefore, any one who even dares to touch this egg without my permission will perish." without that the meeting was dismissed.

Gaul now looked onto the purple egg.
"I can feel the raw power inside it..." he uttered. Amazed that he himself was holding the egg of legend, a dragon soon to be under his command.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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