Part 1

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I had woke up from the terrible dream. It was Death yelling my name. At least it wasn't to bad. I apparently had been sleep walking and was laying on the kitchen floor. I share a three story, ten bedroom, and four bathroom house with all my friends. We live in a huge forest, but with an invisible wall around us so humans don't see us. We even have our own human world animal, an owl. A male bird that came because it saw my wings and thought I was it's "owl guardian" or something. I do like our house though.

Blurry and Love were both in the kitchen along with Death making breakfast for all of us. That's when they found me. "Are you alright?" Blurry said while reaching out his hand. "I'm fine I guess" I replied to him while he helped me up. "She has a bruise! Right there!" Exclaimed Love as she pointed at my lower left back. "That's an odd place, don't you think?" Blurry said when he elbowed Death in the stomach. "Sapphire, are you really okay? If you aren't we can talk in private if you'd like..." Death said while observing my body for anything else. "I uh.... I'm pretty sure I'm fine." I all the sudden had an intensely sharp pain in my back. "Oh my! Is she doing alright? What's going on?" Star said when she ran downstairs towards the kitchen.

Everything went black. I went in and out of sleep. I could hear Ray and Love running around. Death squeezed my hand and said "Sapphire, I hope you are alright."

Sometimes I have to be locked in my room because of my dreams. I'll be alseep for a few days on end. But I won't be dreaming, it'll just be all black. I know when I'm about to wake up because I have a negative dream about Death. What it was about is pretty.... unexplainable.

It started with me in the forest. I was in a tree enjoying a nice cup of coffee. For some reason I had a tea pot full of it. I was wearing a black cloak, a long one at that. Then an owl appeared next to me. Then another. One after one they would come and nest near me. They started to decorate with some off-white flags on a string. Some owls had tea cups or sticks with some flowers on them. Dead flowers. There was an owl that stayed a bit further from me. It had one eye and stayed between two other owls, one of which was "bigger" than the others. It had been imprinted in my mind that they wanted to die. I have no clue why, this wasn't important. Death came into view. He was walking towards me. Another thing had been imprinted in my mind - he had something important to say. Once he reached me, he couldn't speak straight to me. He had to stare at something else. He said "Some of us are stones, others are like feathers. When we fall, we fall hard. Or we have something to lift the weight." Then, out of no where, he started plucking my feathers out. I tried to get away, but I couldn't. I was frozen still. I started to cry. It wasn't tears, it was blood. Every feather I lost would equal one drop of blood. I have a pretty good sized wings. It was painful, it was as if I had been feeling the pain in real life. Death then started to pull on my leg, forcing me out of the tree. I fell into a pile of flags, sticks, and tea pots. Then Death looked me in the eyes. I felt so restrained when he pinned me down. He had mentioned something to me. I didn't understand what. Then he flipped me over backwards, grabbed the closest thing to him - a rock. Then he hit me in my lower left back. It was painful. That's when I had woke up to him yelling my name. Thank goodness I woke up. I wonder what would've happened if he hadn't done so.

"I'm glad your awake" Death said while walking up to my bed. "Ugh, how long was I sleeping for this time?" I asked. "Hmm.... Let's see.... About a week" he said. "That's a new record" chimed in Air who had been in the doorway. "You such a tease" said Star as she walked past him. "It's true!" Said Air as he walked after her down the hall. "Wow, is it wrong to ship them right now?" I said to Death. "Not exactly, no." He replied.

"SAPPHIRE ARE YOU AWAKE" yelled Love as she came running down the hall into my bedroom. "With you yelling like that I think she is" called back Ray as she chased her into my room. "SAPPHIRE! SAPPHIRE! SAPPHIRE! YOU'RE FINALLY AWAKE" Love exclaimed as she pushed Death out of the way. "Woah there" he said as he tipped over. "Love, you've got to calm down, it's not like I've been gone forever now has it." I said to her. "Yes, actually, it has" she said back with sass. "She's been hanging out with Low as you can tell" explained Ray as he stepped into my room. "I heard that" Low said as she walked past the doorway with a pile of clothes to wash and threw a shirt at him. "What.... I didn't say that" Ray had said trying to sound as convincing as he could. "Whatever" Low yelled back as she went down the hall to do some chores.

"So, how long have you been awake for?" Love asked as she sat down next to me in my bed. "About 10 minutes" Said Death as he looked at the time. "Well, I made some soup for you, but if you didn't wake up today, I would've ate it myself" said Love proudly. Ray said "What about me? You said it was for me." Love then glared at Ray to which he smiled back and she blushed. "If you two are so into each other, then why don't you date?" Death asked. Ray then punched him in the stomach and Love was giving him an evil look while blushing badly. "Oh gosh.... shouldn't of asked..." Death said as he clutched his stomach in pain. "I do ship you guys" I said to Love as I made a heart shape with my hands. "Shut up!" Love said as she blushed even harder.

Then I whispered "Look at Ray." Then she turned around and saw Ray digging into his pocket. "What are you doing?" Death asked as he got up next to my bed and made Love move away from him. "Um... Love, may I talk to you for a second" replied Ray. She looked back at me with a worried expression on her face. I made a hand jesture signalling for her to go. Then she slowly got up and walked out with Ray, who had looked back at Death and winked.

"He's going to ask her to be his girlfriend" Death said with out missing a beat. "Seriously?" I asked. "Well um... Sapphire?" Death had said while holding my hand. "..... Yes?" I said curiously. "Will you... uh..." He said while trying not to embarrass himself. "Will you... be my.... um..." He said nervously while squeezing my hand. It wasn't until then I had realized what he was going to tell me.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend" I said to him. Then he smiled, not just a happy smile, but one as if his life was changed forever. "Wait, WHAT" he screamed. Just then Semi and Blurry came running in. "Is everything fine? What's wrong?" Blurry asked as he hurried up next to Death and I. "We heard you scream from the bottom floor" said Semi. "Everything is... AMAZING!" Death had screamed again as he was dancing around my room. "Let me guess, he finally did it?" Blurry asked Semi. "I guess so" Semi said. "Took long enough" said Blurry. "Now all we need is Low and Ray" mentioned Semi. Then they both nodded.

"Wait.... you've been planning this?" I asked them. "Yes, of course. He's liked you for awhile now" Semi and Blurry had said at the same time. "I have.... I truly have" Death said as he sat down next to me. "I've liked you for awhile now, too" I said to him as I kissed his forehead, making him blush.

I smiled at looked into his eyes. [I love her so much right now] I read. [This is the best day of my life]. "I can make it better" I said. Then he looked me in the eyes. "Oh, I'd like that" he said with a seductive smile. "What! No! Death we just got together, plus I'm not interested in things like that" I argued back. "I'm just playing with you" he said as he pulled me in for a hug. "We'll leave you two mates alone" Semi and Blurry had said as they walked out.

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