Chapter 5

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As I walked into the classroom, I wonder what the hell is going on with this chick. She was practically following me around and on top of that she was making me cause waves. The annoying thing about said waves is they get bigger and bigger until they hit something that doesn't get swept away. This was going to be an issue unless I could get her off my back somehow. As I sat down in my desk, I pulled out the now completed homework and pass it to the front of the class with the rest of the assignments. It was then that I noticed that I am, in fact, the center of attention and the subject of gossip floating around the class. I laid my head down and hoped that the class would be over fast so I could get to the quiet sanctuary of the libary and enter my own world. The class did in fact move quickly,  but maybe it was because I fell asleep. Well, whatever.

I gathered my things and was standing up when Daniel came walking up to me. Now I have never had a problem with Daniel. He was the type of guy who was in everyones clique and knew all of the dirt so I knew why I was about to become his new best bud.

"Mark, its been a while hasn't it?" he asked.

"Sure." was all I said to respond.

"Why have you never introduced me to your beautiful girlfriend, are you embrassed of me or something?" he questioned me, looking hurt.

"Well, if we were truly friends, then I may have but seeing how this is the first time you have talked to me outside of a group project, I don't think it's any of your business, now is it." I said with venom in my voice.

"Now don't be like that, tell me who she is." he persisted.

I was done dealing with him so I stopped walking and looked him right in the face and said "Listen, I have no idea who she is, all I know is I sit next to her in my first period class and I checked her out in the library, which is where I'm supposed to be right about now. So, if you could kindly piss off and leave me alone, that would be great, you freaking parasite."

Having said this, I turned into the library, leaving him shocked at my outburst. And, to be honest, I was shocked as well I hadn't lost it or even showed that much emotion since the day I had made myself an outcast. Sighing an exhausted sigh, I moved to the return cart where I noticed the Ansleigh had dropped off the book she had checked out yesterday. She must have not liked it. I decided it didn't matter. My free period moved by too fast and luckily so did the rest of the day. I made it to my car in record time. I was looking forward to getting home today. I was off work and had the night to work on my bike. Driving home was one of the best times of my day, I was by myself with only my thoughts and worries.

My drive seemed like the rest of my day and was over before it began. I pulled in to the two car garage today since I would not be leaving again and turned off the engine to my Nissan before stepping out of the car. I made my way over to my work bench where I sat down in front of the engine of my motorcycle, which was almost completed. I spent a good three or so hours on the engine before I realized two things; one was it was fairly dark outside and two was I was starving. To remedy these afflictions, I went inside and made myself a pb&j sandwhich and turned on the light to the garage before setting upon the engine once again.

It was well past midnight when I completed the engine and was ready to mount it onto the frame. I was cleaning up my mess when Ansleigh knocked on the front of my garage door, making me jump about a foot into the air and scaring the crap out of me, to which she promptly started to laugh hysterically at what she had just caused. Irritated more with myself for not hearing her walk up, I chose to ignore the laughter and continued to put away my tools.

I was just about done when I glanced over my shoulder to see her bent over trying to catch her breath after having laughed so hard. Standing up, I picked up my barely touched sandwhich and moved to the dumpster and threw it away.

"Is that all you eaten tonight?" Ansliegh asked.

"So what if it was? I don't eat much anyways," I said flatly, "Did you want something or ......." I mean what business of her is it anyway how much I was eating.

"I....I was just...."Ansliegh stammered, shocked by my blatent hostilltiy towards her. 

"Look I'm going to tell you how things are run around here. You are not my crowd. I don't have a crowd, I have people who are low enough on the totem pole to be near me and not have their social standing ruined if they get the misfortune of being paired with me for a group project. I am an outcast of the outcast groups. I am invisibe. I do not exsist at that school except on paper. You are part of the in crowd or in the top middle of the totem pole. If you were to get me as a group assinment with me you would tell me to put your name on it and maybe give an idea or two in class to make it look like you were helping. Now from here on in, I am not going to acknowledge you unless spoken to directly and even then I shall choose what to respond to. If you have any questions, save them for school and ask someone else, though I advise against it. You'll most likely get weird looks or something like that.

''Now," I said as I took her shoulders and walked her out of my garage "If you excuse me, it is late and I like to be up early. Good night." I said with finallity before hitting the button that closes the garage. I looked over my shoulder just enough to see her staring after me with her mouth agape. 

I walk into my living room and looked around taking in the sparse furnishings not really knowing why I was looking. I knew exactly where and what everything in my house was, I had a modern kitchen\dinning room. In the mud room leading to the backyard was my washer and dryer. Out back was a closed patio which I had converted into a home gym. In the backyard in the corner stood a shed filled with yard working tools. The living room was a couch and an entertainment center, upstairs were three bedrooms and the exrta bathroom, one was converted into an office and the second was supposed to be a guest room but I never had guests so it was mostly used as storage, in my bedroom stood my bed, nightstand with alarm clock my closet held my clothes and my bathroom had a small linen closet. as I thought this the house seemed to expand around me and got exponentuly bigger the more I looked the bigger it seemed. Confused be these thought I began to feel the familar tickle of being watched from the inside of my own head. I quickly build the wall back up but there were cracks that I couldnt seem to fill where the feeling remained. Giving up on pushing him all the way out, I climbed the stairs where I followed my nightly routine of preparing for bed before falling into bed and passing out. 

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