Chapter 2

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Ansleigh's P.O.V.

Something crashed into me as I was trying to unpack the moving van. Me and my roommate, Sierra had just moved here and we were finally going to have a place to ourselves. I had just gotten a box of Sierra's twenty pound clothing when I suddenly found myself on the ground with a scraped knee. Bad start, huh?

"Shit, I'm so sorry" a voice said to me but my eyes were on my knee.

"No, no, it was my fault. I should've been watching where I was going." I said, rubbing my knee.

"No, I was the one who ran into you" the guy's voice said. "Are you alright?" he asked.

The damage wasn't too bad, and it didn't look like it was going to bleed. "I'm fine" I looked up, and I was surprised to see the face I saw. "Oh! Mark!" I thought I would smile.

"Ansleigh" he said. The look on his face was somewhat of shock. What? Did I have something on my face?

"What are you doing here?" I asked, getting up from the ground.

"I live here." he said in a smart-like voice. I decided I would have a little fun.

"No, I live here." I smiled and pointed to my new house.

His shock turned into anger quick. "No, not here, there" he growled and pointed to the house next door.

"Oh" I said. I couldn't help but giggle a little.

"I got to go" he said in a rush.

"What? So soon?" I asked. He just got here and now he was leaving? I was hoping a could hang out for a while.

"Yes, I got to go to work." he said, already trying to walk away.

"Oh, we'll maybe next time you can stay longer" I said hopefully.

He already turned around. "Maybe." he muttered before running off.

What did I do? He seems like he doesn't want to be around me. I didn't do anything but ask for a book at school. Wait.... Did he notice something? Was something showing? Oh I hope not. It's my first day and I was already worrying about what I was trying to hide. Sierra came up from behind me, all while I was staring off at Mark's house.

"Oh, already met a boy, I see?" she said all knowingly.

I turned around and blushed a little. "Maybe, but he acts like he's scared of me. It's actually kind of annoying. I don't even know what I did wrong." I said. I was kind of hurt that he was just ignoring me and all I did was ask for a book.

"Oh, please, sweetheart, maybe he's just nervous." she said. She nudged her elbow on my side and grabbed her twenty pound clothing box like it was nothing.

"How the heck do you carry that?!" I called as she headed into the house.

She turned and winked. Guess that's what I get for having the roommate I had. Another thirty minutes were spend shoving tons of different sized brown boxes into our neat little suburban home. it was two stories and looked very vintage. Perfect for our small budget, but not enough room for the parties Sierra was no doubt going to be throwing. We've been here a day and she's already gotten five phone numbers, six addresses and who knows how many sexy looks from cute guys she inevitably made move our boxes. How does one girl manage all that? Just as I was grabbing the last box from the van, another car started behind me. Mark piled into the driver's side. I thought I'd wave to be nice, but by the looks of it, he didn't want to be seen.

As I brought the small box into the somewhat spacious kitchen, a note already hung on the fridge from Sierra. It read pretty simply...

"Went to find some cute boys and nice hang out places. Be back whenever. Luvs ya! S."

Nice, she left me to do the unpacking, figures. I found the boxes and bags labeled 'Ansleigh' and took several trips upstairs to my room. It was painted a light green with white doors. One of the boxes I had grabbed was labeled 'Repair Supplies' I was still a little worried Mark might have seen something, so I tore the tape off the box and unpacked its contents. A sewing needle, thred in every color, and fabrics. Sounds like I'm making a dress, right? Wrong. There's something different about me, but now wasn't the time to talk about that. I sat and sewed up a few snags for a couple of minutes. The thred was skin colored and I need to fix some holes that were coming loose. Maybe Mark saw that, and thought I was some sort of freak. Oh no, I hope not.

After a few hours of repairing and unpacking, a car pulled up in Mark's driveway. He's home! Maybe I could talk to him for a little longer. I walked outside and caught him as he pulled out his jacket from the back seat.

"Hey, Mark!" I said cheerfully.

He jumped a little. "Hey." he said, then went on with his business. Really? Blowing me off again?

"Um, can I ask you something?"

He turned to face me. The look of annoyance crossed his face. "What?"

"Ok? Are you going to tell me why you keep blowing me off?" I asked.

He seemed a little shocked at the question, but it didn't look like it lasted long. "I'm just busy, ok? I've got things to do."

"Ok? But that's no excuse to blow me off" I said. "I kind of want to know what I'm doing wrong?"

"Look, it's not you. Just go have your fun and let me get my work done." he said bluntly.

Harsh. That was rude. "Um, no. I want to hang out with you. Your the only one I know here, and I kind of want to get to know you."

"There's nothing you need to know."

"Now, that's not true. " I said. I smiled a little. "There's a lot I need to know, and you really didn't answer my first question."

He looked at me. "I'm busy, and I have to go."

"But wait..." I couldn't finish my sentence

"See ya." and then he shut the front door, locking me out again. Really? Is he scared of me? Is there something he doesn't want to see on me? I was tired of the blowing off. I went home, and sat in the kitchen, trying to figure out what in Earth's name I did wrong. The front door opened and I heard Sierra call for me.

"Ansleigh! Honey, I'm home!" she called. That was Sierra alright.

"I figured, your the only other one that calls me things like that." I walked into the doorway and found out she had brought home a friend. A guy, with short blonde hair, and tight fitting clothing walked in with her. Although he was muscular and very handsome, I was somehow not attracted to him. Sierra sure was, there wasn't one part of her body not touching his.

"Ansleigh, dear, I'm going to show our guest to a nice room for the night. Be a really nice roommate and go order pizza, please?" Sierra begged, like I was some servant. I was definitely not in this kind of mood.

"Whatever, but the money is coming out of you half of the house payment." I said, a little harshly.

She simply smiled and said " Ok, dear. I'll totally pay you back. Loves ya!" and with that, she led her 'guest' into her room and shut the door. I didn't see them for the rest of the night. At around eleven at night, I managed to catch a glimpse at Mark through the windows. He looked angry, and he seemed to be throwing clothes around hastily. What is it he doesn't want me to see?

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