Chapter 6

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'Why do I even bother?' I thought to myself as I slammed the door. I honestly wanted to give up on being his friend. He just seems so lonely. I barely see him talk to people and when I do. It seems to be for mere seconds. It's like if you blink, you'll miss it. I was furious and I was ready to start screaming.

"There's my Doll!" said Sierra from the kitchen. I became even more infuriated.

"What the hell did you just call me?!"

Sierra bobbed her head out of the kitchen window. Her hair was in a messy ponytail and her make-up was bare minimum. Although I hated to admit it, her pink tank and purple booty shorts only accentuated her goddess-like figure. I was so jealous, but still furious.

"I'm sorry, babe." she said, moving a strand of hair away from her face. "But, I just can't help it. You're just too adorable!" She smiled at me. She had a remarkable smile that could make any guy beg for her to just look at him. 'So that's what she meant by 'doll'' I thought. I walked into the kitchen to see the goddess herself cooking. It's past midnight, and she's cooking? Whatever, it smelled nice. "Listen, babe," she said, with her back to me. "I saw you trying to get attention from that guy next door." I sat down at the counter across from her and flung a couple strand of blonde hair from my line of view.

'Oh, God, what are you planning on saying?' said my thoughts.

"I really think you're not trying hard enough."

I sat up in my seat. Not trying hard enough? Are you effing kidding me?! I'm basically begging for Mark to just say effing hi and she says I'm not trying hard enough?

"What the actual hell, Sierra?!" I shouted. "Do you honestly think I'm not trying as hard as I frickin' can?!"

Sierra grinned. No, to be more specific, she grinned deviously. Crap, I just spilled the fact that I kinda maybe sorta like Mark. "It's just... I mean... It's like this... Ugh..."

The goddess laughed. Double ugh. "Oh, honey, you just have to show him that he needs your attention. I mean, you got that one guy to talk to you."

"You mean Daniel?"

"That's the one!"

I thought about it. Daniel was a nice guy and all, but he had that certain air about him. You know, the arrogant kind. He talked to me in one of my classes, but I didn't really pay him much mind. He had dark blonde hair and a nice toned body. The kind to make any girl swoon and every guy jealous. Not really my type. Although, I had to admit, it was nice to have someone who actually wanted to talk to you. "Listen, Sierra, Daniel is nice and all, but I don't really feel attracted to him"

Sierra rolled her eyes and smiled. "I forgot you're still new to this." she slide a plate of scrambled eggs and toast in front of me.

"It's like one in the morning." I said, staring at the plate.


She had a point. I was starving due to not having eaten since lunch, and I wouldnt get another chance until tomorrow after noon. I shoveled a spoonful of eggs into my mouth. It was nice and hot and the eggs were nice and fluffy with a nice hint of sal and pepper. I nodded to Sierra with a full mouth, indicating that she did a good job. She grinned and turned to take a pan to the sink. "So, it's a good thing you like your food, babe." She said coyly.

"Whyyy?" I asked, mouth filled with breakfast material.

Sierra slid her hands across the counter and lightly grabbed my wrists. 'Oh god' I thought. She look at me as though she was about to wet herself with fear and excitement. "I've kinda been invited to Daniel's party and..."

"No" I didnt let her finish.

"Oh, come on!" She shouted, throwing my arms back onto the table. "Ansleigh, please? You've been invited too!"

I think I snorted some bread crumbs or something because I started hacking up anything that had been in my mouth, profusely. Me? Why me? I have nothing special to offer. I'm SUPPOSED to be just a normal girl! Sierra handed me a premade glass of water. Oh, of course, she would know I would choke on her question...literally. I took small sips from the glass and tried to breathe.

"Why was I invited?" I asked, breathing heavily.

"Uh, because you're you!"

That helps... I don't usually go to parties, even though I get invited to them often. Call me a bit shy, to say the least. And even then, I'm usually invited because Sierra says we're a package deal. You can't one without the other.

Sierra clasped her hands together and stuck out her lower lips. The puppy dog pout? Seriously? Ugh. I was about to say no when an idea struck. "It's Daniel's party, right?"

The little psycho smiled and nodded.

"Tell him I'll go, but only if Mark goes."

Sierra squeeled and ran upstairs to tell Daniel of my proposition. I stared at my plate. 'Oh boy...' I thought. 'This is it.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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