Chapter 3

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Mark's P.O.V

As I shut the door in Ansleigh's face, I had the strange feeling that there was going to be hell to pay for that. Leaning against the door with my ear, I breathed a sigh of relief as I heard her stalk back to her house and slam her front door. Yep, hell to pay.

Why was this chick bothering with me, anyways? I don't know what I did to attract her. I didn't even know someone like that would be even the slightest bit interested in me. No one could, I'm just some outsider who eats, sleeps, and breathes alone. Why was she even bothering?

"What are you talking about?" came the ragged whisper that I dreaded hearing, and hoped everyday that I did not hear it. It was gone.

"Go back to your pit, scum." I said, filling my voice filled with as much hatred and scorn I could muster.

"Why would I go to that decrypted pit you created for me to cower and waste away in? It's so much better up here in the warmth of your sweet twisted emotions and thoughts, so warm and cozy. Ooh, who is this pretty new girl you've been talking to?" the wasted voice wheezed out.

My blood began to boil at the very idea of that thing even mentioning her "You will not even mention her. You got that? You filthy mud-groveling weasel and stay out of my thoughts. I don't need your contamination touching them." I said.

"Oh, so testy today. Why that girl is wriggling into your head even easier than I do." the gnarled voice laughed while it penetrated deeper into my conscience, worming around like some sort of parasite.

"Get lost, bug. I'm through listening to you." I said barely managing to stay calm.

"Whatever you’re boring anyhow but I find it ironic that the harder you try the easier it becomes to read you." the voice rasped out.

"I said get lost." I ordered starting to get mad.

"Alright, alright it was getting to hot in here anyway." It said mockingly before I felt the foul presence slither out of my head leaving me in a rage.

Just then I hear my dryer go off informing me that the laundry I washed before I left for work was done. I was in no mood to fold it so I just threw across my room into the far corner. This is great I'm pissed and I still got thing to do around the house before I went to bed that night. I sighed and headed back down stairs I at least need to do the dishes before tomorrow. As I entered the kitchen I realized that I must not have done the dishes in a while because they were stacked up like crazy. As I set to doing the dishes I felt the remainder of the anger seep out of me as the mind numbing task carried on. After this task was complete I headed up stair deciding to call it a night.

I was up before sunrise as usual to go for my morning run. I just finished third lap and was headed for my fourth when I spotted Ansleigh taking a bag of trash out to the trash can on the side of the house. Hoping not to be seen I picked up my pace as ran by our houses. Luck was not on my side because she saw me and was waving at me trying to get my attention. Pretending I didn't see I continued my run around the block. I slowed my pace as I rounded the last corner to see if Ansleigh was still outside; not seeing her I ran up to my house and quickly entered shutting the door firmly behind me.

I waited for the car I front of me to slowly find a parking space at the schools parking lot. I couldn't help but think if my bike was done then it would be so much easier to get into a parking space. Driving slowly I found myself a spot near the back but not far enough away to draw attention to my car. Getting out I grabbed my beat up wind breaker and headed into the lunch room and laid my head down as I waited for the homeroom bell to ring. After it rang I made my way to my class and was almost to my seat when I spotted Ansleigh in the seat next to mine. Hesitating for a second, realizing that I had forgot that she sat next to me, I then made my way to my seat and put my head down on the desk trying to completely shut her out of my head.

I was in for a long day after that not only was I completely exhausted from last night’s encounter, but I had completely forgotten to study for three tests I was having today and on top of that I had not done any homework. I was lucky that my homework assignments weren't due until after lunch. This is where I am right now furiously scribbling down answer to the second assignment in my barely legible hand writing when several trays were set onto the table in a way that said look up. It happened to be those jocks who had thought it would be fun to play catch with my bag a yesterday; it looked like to they had deemed this their designated table.  Not wanting to deal with another confrontation this week I swept my papers and belongings into my bag and tried to walk off but found my intended path blocked by yet another jock. Feeling the tension start to build looked for another way out when I heard:

"Mark, over here!" Ansleigh waved over to me from a table not too far from where I was standing now.

Confused the jocks looked around at each other trying to comprehend what just happened and why this cute girl would be calling for an outcast like me to come over. I took this chance to make my escape and made my way over to her.

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