Chapter 2

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I stared at the little flickers of light that radiated from the candle which stood in the centre of the room. The light twisted and turned, bouncing off the walls trying to reach the dark corners.
The little flame lit up a box in the middle of the room. The box. A thing that I feared so much, engraved in my brain by the pain it had inflicted since I was thrown in this room a year ago.

Tears welled up in my eyes, I tried to put every image out my head and remember when everything was paradisiacal, a memory I held close to my heart.

A creak echoed from the top step. Then the second, then the third. I'd counted how many steps it took to reach my room, 13. Darkness laid it's cloak over my eyes and I tried to retreat further into my body, hiding from the emotion and fear. Shutting the world out and shutting myself in.

She opened the door. It's cry echoed through the room. But no longer did my heart race, I sat curled up, emotionless.

She stepped towards my weak form. She knew she was stronger than me and she liked it that way, she kicked me.

The pain shot up my chest, searching for me but I was no longer there. Again, hitting the same location, the bruises scattered my body. But I no longer felt the pain.

Again, this time the anger rose up slightly, threatening to erupt.

Again, I slowly stood up. I wanted ever so much to hit her. To make her like me, so weak she could barely move.

Again, I grabbed her foot midair. I looked at her face. She was smiling.

With the look of pure satisfaction on her face, she told me I was ready.

She grabbed my wrist, sending sparks of pain shooting up my back. My body was thrown across the room and I automatically rest my body in a fighting stance. She shoved me backwards and I tripped and fell into the box, winding myself.

I looked up, stars began appearing across the ceiling as my vision started clouding. I reached for the emptiness, slipping into it, hiding away from the nightmare I was living.


A sea of grass swirls around me. The wind stroking the blades, sending ripples across the hills. Big waves of tiny movements.

I began moving my hands like an conductor, all the performers follow the same metrical rhythm. I weave the scene around me, knitting together the clouds, building trees from shoots and coaxing them to bear fruit. I dip my paintbrush in the river and paint the fish darting through it.

I wish I could create this on canvas, keep it forever. But this is the Earth, humans will ruin it, there isn't a doubt about that.

I sit waiting.

Waiting for them to come.

I feel the vibrations of a horn, I place my hands on the floor and grab hold of the string. Gripping onto the end I pull up, thin wisps began forming in the air, I push my hand forward and move it amongst the strings. Feeling a slight change in one, I carefully part it from the rest. I feel the connection I have with it.

I snap it.

The horn in the distance abruptly cuts off, sending a shiver down my spine. A death of a human doesn't bother me anymore. Finally, I look up, his spirit flies over my head and brings more life to my surroundings. The field flourishes and as I watch his spirt slowly becoming fainter, so does my field.

A rain cloud forms over head and everything starts melting, like wax. I stand up. Moving my hands round and round trying to wrap the life force round my wrist, trying to save it. A slight tingle is in my palm so I know it's there. Every thing starts melting like crayons down a canvas. All the colour disappearing. I look down at my hands and I'm starting to fade, I don't belong in this moment anymore, I'm being kicked out.


I sit up, gasping for air. I quickly sat up and leaped from the box, running over to the corner of my room and curling up. Something went wrong in the box today. I wish it was a dream.


I'm back! I had mega writing block but I finally wrote a short chapter, I'm going to try write more. Because of my style of writing I have to be in a certain mood so yeah😂

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