I changed Naressa to Cindy Kimberly cause QUEEN
2 months later....
Rickthesizzler - What's up bestie!!!
Rickthesizzler -
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. NaressaVal - Hey Boo
NaressaVal -
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Rickthesizzler - Hot damn Mami 💝
NaressaVal - Stop Rick 😳
Rickthesizzler - No you deserve to be complemented
NaressaVal - Thank you so much Justin, I appreciate *dj khaled voice*
Rickthesizzler - I love you 😂
NaressaVal - Um..
Rickthesizzler - Not in that way silly
NaressaVal - Yeah, I knew that
Rickthesizzler - Sure....
Rickthesizzler - Anywayyy I gots to go
NaressaVal - Okay, bye Justin 💙💙
Rickthesizzler - Bye baby girl 💓
NaressaVal - 😳💙

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