cheater || ten

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two weeks later


I feel empty. I have no more love in me anymore. I thought Cam was different. He wasn't. He was a cheater. I was oblivious to what was going on, Cam told me to go out have some fun when he was with a girl.

He killed me, mentally. I was brain dead. My depression is coming back. I haven't been eating. All I do is sleep on Shawn's couch mourning my loss. I wasn't mourning over Cameron, I was mourning for myself. I used to be so happy.

To think someone who says I love you and didn't really mean it hurts. This girl, I recently found her name is Yanelly, is so beautiful. Look at her. If I was Cameron I would have fallen for her too.

When he was gone, plenty of guys asked for my number or on a date, but I declined all. I was loyal to my man no matter what.

But he wasn't loyal to me.

I'm so fucking sick, all this vomiting and just waking up makes me feel useless. I have to go to the doctor cause Shawn told me to, I listened cause I was staying at his place.


I messed up. It as my fault. I can't live without her. I broke of things with Yanelly. I blocked her on everything.

But that's not enough.

I miss Angela waking up next to me but I ruined it. I spoiled our chances of ever doing anything together anymore.


"Angela have you had intercourse in the past two weeks?" Mr.Simmons the kind doctor asked.

Thank god Shawn wasn't in the room he was outside waiting for me. "Yes actually." I said truthfully

"You've had fatigue, mood swings, and a missed period?" he asks. Realization coming into my head.

"Wait holy shit. I was on the pill!"

"I think it stopped. Well I'm sorry to say this's but you're definitely pregnant. We're gonna get a ultrasound ready for you." he said while exiting the room.

I'm pregnant at eighteen. I have a cheaters baby in me. No going back now shit!

Shawn came in confused. "Ultrasound?" he asked. I nodded and he knew, Shawn walked to me and hugged me.

Tears come out and go on his shoulder. I can't believe this.


She's pregnant, and it's not my baby.

I have no time to be angry, I need to support her.

The doctor came back in with the nurse, he asking her to lay on the bed with her shirt lifted up, just the stomach was showing. I grabbed a chair and pushed it next to her and grabbed her hand.

"So, is this the lucky guy Ms. Rios?" he said wiggling his brows.

Oh I wish it was. Her face turned pale.

"He's my close friend, um." she said quietly. Mr.Simmons wide eyed. "Oh sorry! I just thought you were a couple." he said apologetically. "It's fine." she said smiling.


The nurse put cold gel on my stomach, her giggling. "Honey it's fine get used to it." she said jokingly. I laughed with her and she got the ultrasound probe and put it on my stomach moving it to the right spot.

I saw this little thing, my baby, Cameron's baby. I burst into tears.

"Are you okay Ms. Rios?" the nurse asked.

"It's just, it's beautiful." I said lying. Shawn squeezed my hand tighter.

"Would you like a sonogram sweetie?" Mr. Simmons asked. "Can I get two?" I asked.
He nodded and printed them for me. "Here Angela, see you in two weeks!" He handed them to me.

I thanked him and we left. "Shawn drop me of at Cam's please." He gave me a weird look. "Is this why you got a second sonogram?" I nodded. "Please, I need to get my laptop." I said lying.

"Fine." He sighed.


"Pick me up later." I told Shawn. He nodded and drove off. I saw the apartment complex, still the same.

I went inside and went straight to the elevator. It stopped at floor six. I got out and walked through the familiar halls till it was our, or his house, 6d.

I had the key in hand, I've kept it in my pocket for this moment, to confront him for being a idiot.

I unlocked the door and walked in, the smell of beer and guy. I walked to his room Cam on his bed crying. He noticed I was here and he got up. "Cameron." I said trying not to cry.

"Angela why did you come back?" he asked confused. "I haven't forgiven you, I need to tell you something." i replied. "What is it? As long as you're taking to me I'll listen."

"I'm pregnant." I said giving him one of the sonograms tearing up a little bit.

I couldn't tell how he felt he just looked at the sonogram.



should I start adding gifs?

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