Chapter 3 On the boat

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Juliette POV

Time skip 9:00 at the port

EVELYN: Do you really think he'll show up?

JONATHAN: Undoubtedly, I know the breed, he may be a cowboy, but his word is his word. And even if not, July will play her charm and he will come.

EVELYN: Personally, I think he's filthy, rude and a complete scoundrel. I don't like him one bit.

JULIETTE: Anyone we know? Anyways, Ladies and gentleman, may I present to you Rick O'Connell: showered, shaved, with a new hairstyle, and new clothes.

'Evelyn is suitably impressed.'

EVELYN: Oh .... um,...hello.

'Jonathan grabs O'Connell's arm and shakes his hand.'

JONATHAN: Smashing day for the start of an adventure, eh, O'Connell?

'O'Connell quickly checks his pockets. '

O'CONNELL: Yeah, sure, smashing.

'He finds his wallet and relaxes. Evelyn, recovering, she clears her throat'.

EVELYN: Mister O'Connell, can you look me in the eye, and guarantee me this is not some sort of flimflam? Because if it is, I'm warning you----

'O'Connell steps up close to Evelyn, invading her space looks her straight in the eye. Evelyn doesn't back away.'

O'CONNELL: Lady, let me put it this way my whole damn garrison believed in it so much, that without orders, we marched halfway across Libya and into Egypt to find that city. When we got there, all we found was sand and blood. Let me get your bags.

'O'Connell takes her bags and heads up the gangplank. Evelyn's eyes follow him, a bit wistfully. Jonathan sees it.

JONATHAN: Yes, yes, you're right, filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel, nothing to like there at all.

JULIETTE: Evy, never judge a book by its cover. 

'Evelyn gives them a look. Jonathan just grins. And that's when the warden suddenly appears.'

WARDEN: A good morning to all.

EVELYN: What are you doing here?

WARDEN: I'm here to protect my investment, thank you very much.

 'And up the plank he goes. Evelyn, July and Jonathan share a look.'

After all of us ate something and got our rooms, I took a walk over the deck. As I walk, I see Jonathan and the three Americans are playing poker. As I take a seat next to my brother, the Americans start to wolf whistle. 

BURNS: Are you going to join us, M'lady?

JULIETTE: If you let me.

DAVE: We are paying with real money, so I guess it is not a good idea for you to try to play.

JULIETTE: With what else do you expect me to play Poker with? Desert? (What you gonna do with that desert?)

DAVE: Well if you insist.

'Connell comes out a door carrying a GUNNY-SACK.

JONATHAN: Sit down, O'Connell, sit down, we could use another good player.

O'CONNELL: I only gamble with my life, never my money.

DANIELS: Never? What if I were to wager five hundred dollars says we get to Hamunaptra before you?

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